ch 50 : sirius

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You, Harry, Hermione, and Ron rushed off to try to save Sirius after Harry had a vision of the attack. Neville, Luna, and Ginny ended up tagging along and soon the 7 of you were sneaking around the Ministry, trying to go to the place where Harry had seen.

You were frantic, not wanting to lose Sirius, so you flinched hard when the death eaters appeared. The death eater in front removed their mask, and you held your breath when you saw that it was Lucius Malfoy, Draco's dad. You knew from Harry's experiences that he was a death eater, but it was still a shock to see it with your own eyes.

Bellatrix Lestrange showed up behind Lucius Malfoy, but Ron dragged you behind him before the crazed woman had scanned your group. Bellatrix didn't notice you behind Ron as she began to mock Harry and Neville in front of the group. Hermione didn't look at you as she whispered, "Stay hidden. We don't want her to recognize you too."

You nodded in understanding but hated the way you had to cower behind Ron when the group had found trouble.

When the death eaters tried to lunge at the group, you all went running in different directions. You sprinted down an aisle while trying to keep your face hidden. One apparated directly in front of you, so you tried to send a stupefy spell at them, but the death eater blocked it easily.

You scrambled to turn around and run the other way as your nonverbal spells continued to be blocked by the death eaters chasing you.

You needed to get to an exit.

The group reunited as you all sprinted towards the exit with the death eaters right behind you. The aisles began to collapse, sending shards of glass in every direction. The group dove out of the exit, just in time, and you exhaled deeply when you saw that all 7 of you had made it out of there.

You found yourselves in a strange room that was dark and cold. The only thing in the room was a strange contraption in the center of it that you wanted to steer clear of. Harry started to investigate since he heard voices, but you and Hermione pleaded with him to just leave. Both of you knew that it was time to run.

Harry didn't listen and inched closer to it. Before you could blink, a group of death eaters swarmed them. You each were grabbed by a death eater, leaving only Harry in the center with the prophecy.

You struggled to swallow as the death eater holding you kept his arm securely against your throat. You saw your wand lying a few steps away from you and wished you hadn't dropped it in the chaos. Harry needed help.

You choked when the death eater tightened his grip on your neck, but you tried to not look afraid when Harry's eyes met yours. Harry turned to Lucius while he breathed heavily and watched the blonde man's every movement.

You couldn't breathe, but you tried to communicate to Harry with your eyes that you didn't want him to give up the prophecy, even if it meant you died. He stared at you for a moment, his heart breaking in two at the thought of losing his sister and best friends. He placed the prophecy in Lucius' hand just as there was a bright flash of light.

Sirius was practically shaking as he stepped up to Lucius and snarled, "Get away from my godson." He punched Lucius in the face, which led to chaos breaking out as the rest of the order arrived.

Someone hit the death eater holding you over the back of the head, rendering them unconscious. You fell to your knees and tried to catch your breath at this point. Thelma dropped beside you and questioned, "Y/N, are you okay?"

You gagged as you caught your breath and wordlessly pointed to your wand a few steps away. Thelma ran forward and grabbed it, throwing the wand to you. You finally inhaled a large breath and pulled yourself to your feet, flashing Thelma a grateful smile before you turned to scream curses at the remaining death eaters in the room.

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