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^ Centuries Later

Rose's POV

I awake to the sound of birds chirping as the sun rises to greet my village. The wind blows a minuscule draft through a broken window in my shared room. I am not the oldest nor youngest in the orphanage, but am older then most. I share a room with 9 year old twins, Isabelle and Gabriella. They have been here for the past two years, when their parents died in an accident.

Across the hall are Colt, 17, and Kyle, 14. Colt got here two weeks before me, when he was two and I was just a month old. He and I are very close, basically siblings. Colt is among some of the only people I trust with my life and knows me like the back of his hand. Kyle has been here since he was 5, his dad was living in an unstable environment and was abusive towards him. He is like my little brother and I am very protective of him. The thing about being an orphan is that at first you don't really have anyone to depend on, that's why us at the orphanage are like family. There are some at the orphanage like Oliver and Texas, who don't really socialize with the rest of us, but we are all good friends.

I get dressed in my hunter's uniform, brush my teeth, hair, and finish getting ready for the day. I can tell by the sun's positioning that it is just half past 7. I head downstairs and begin making breakfast for the house. We live in a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom house on the mid-outskirts of our village. Our village leader and advisors thought it fair for us to live in a nice home, considering we all have no parents. Miss Ama, the orphanage carer, doesn't really do too much. She is single, and rather desperate for male attention. Texas is the oldest of us all, turning 18 in a few months. She has an internship in the village bakery run by Mr.Wilson and his family. Though she enjoys our presence, she rather hang out with her friends and learn as much as she can before she is forced out the orphanage.

We all have roles to fulfill in the orphanage because Miss Ama is too busy caking makeup of her face and Texas would rather hang out near the pub with her friends, attempting to gain popularity with the crowd. So, Colt and I divided the tasks with approval of everyone in the development for what we should all be responsible for.

I am responsible for the meals with help from the twins because they want to learn; frankly, I think it reminds them of their mom. Colt is responsible for making sure the rooms are suitable and that nobody is bringing in anything negative or dangerous inside the orphanage without our consent. Kyle is responsible for dishes, Oliver, 15, who is roomed with Luke, is responsible for cleaning the bathrooms, and Autumn, an 11 year old female, is responsible for making sure the kitchen and living room are clean. She rooms with Texas. They all hangout in my room quite frequently, but sleep in separate rooms so that they can get an adequate nights rest and prepare for their studies.

All that is left is Miss Ama, who is in charge of bills, Luke, a 13 year old boy, who is in charge of vacuuming upstairs, and lastly Texas, who is in charge of the laundry.

When I get down the stairs, the twins are already taking out ingredients for eggs, bacon, waffles and sausage.

"Good morning girls." I chirp.

"Good morning Rose." They greet me in unison before Gabriella starts telling me about her unusual dream. I listen attentively and add in my comments when needed. When she finally finishes, I laugh at her reddened face from talking so fast.

"Well that sounds very interesting," I say with a chuckle. "What about you Isa, did you have a good nights rest?"

"Yes, thank you for asking." She responds quietly. She is more reserved than her twin, but they compliment each other very well. We say nothing in a comfortable silence as we finish making breakfast for the day. I set everything on the table and make my way to Colt & Kyle's room as Isa makes her way to Texas & Autumn's, and Gabby makes her way to Oliver & Luke's room.

I creak open the door and see Colt is spread out across his sheets like a starfish with some drool hanging out of his mouth. Kyle has always been a light sleeper due to his trauma, so he starts shuffling awake. I put my finger to my lips as a silent request to stay quiet till I wake Colt. Kyle rids of his morning tiredness with a slight nod and smirks at my mischievous smile. With that, I take off running and jump on Colt, successfully waking him up and making him scream in the process.

"AAAHHHH!!!" I roll off of him only to burst out laughing at his girly shriek. Kyle too shares the laughter, laughing so hard that tears begin to leak out of his eyes. When Colt realizes what I did, he playfully tackles me to the ground and puts me in a headlock.

"Tap out." Colt chuckles. I am still recovering from my laughter when I tap on his arm, being let out of his hold and catching my breath.

"I just came to say that breakfast is ready." I tell them. They nod so I leave the room, my smile never faltering due to the constant replay of Colt's shriek in mind.

When everyone is settled downstairs and has food on their plates, I start making my own plate. I always get my food last just to reassure myself that everyone has a fair amount of food on their plates. We say grace to the goddess and begin talking about our plans for the day. When everyone is finished, we put our plates in the sink and begin to disperse for our Friday activities. I go back upstairs to make sure all is in place before I make my way to the center of my village, glad that we are excused from school. Because tomorrow is a new beginning for some, they want everyone to spend time with their families incase they are chosen.

I let out a small sigh of despair. It is unlikely that I will be chosen since there are hardly any females blessed with magic nowadays. I love everyone here and this place will always be my home, yet, I cannot help but imagine a life outside of my village.


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