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Rose's POV

My smile widens more so when I see a familiar face in my class, Aiden. He waves me over to where he is sitting and I choose the seat to his left, only a few seats away from the window.

"Hey Rose! How has your day gone so far?" He asks, eyeing the vase of roses on my desk.

"Really great-" I begin a recap of my day. "And now I am the bearer and protecter of the sapienti est aura crystal." I finish. Aiden looks at me wide eyed.

"That's quite a day you've had." He chuckles, still in surprise. "But, I must say that you have a great eye for having picked out your items. They are all extremely well crafted and unique from the ones I have seen others choose." Aiden compliments. I thank him, looking at our instructor who just came through the door.

"Hello class, I am Mr.Kato. I will already tell you that we are going to work closely with Air Wielding classes this year, so don't panic if you see air masters watching our class. We have many new faces this year, only 3 of the 36 students in this class are returning Level 1 students." Mr.Kato says, his name meaning good judgement in Latin. I look at Aiden in a new light, he must be very advanced.

"We will head down to the gallery and get you newbies some items, then I will see how far your abilities have come. Now let's go." Mr.Kato motions. Aiden and I get up together.

"You know, it's kind of incredible how powerful you are." Aiden starts a conversation.

"What do you mean?" I ask for more clarification.

"Aside from being placed in every Level 1 class, your aura itself is quite powerful. I am the only student for a while who has been a Level 1 since my second year, and you will surpass me greatly." He tells me. I slightly still at the relegation. Aiden just gives me as small smile as we arrive at the items gallery once again.

"I'm going to get a piercing, why don't you come with?" Aiden asks. I nod my head, finding nothing better to look for. We get to the piercing station in the very back of the shop where earrings of all colors are displayed. Aiden looks around in both the water and nature sections of the displays. A different worker than last time comes out from the back.

"May I help you with anything?" He asks. Aiden shakes his head no, but I have a question.

"What if you want a piercing, but not necessarily on your ears?" I ask. The worker just chuckles.

"A daring one we have. Wait just a moment." I stay in my spot, waiting for the worker's return. When he does, he comes back with a brief case. "There are not too many times that people want a piercing that isn't on their ears, mostly because they are males. But, we do have an assortment of both nose and naval rings." He tells me, opening the brief case. I look at the nose rings, nothing really standing out. I move my gaze towards the belly rings and a bright blue one catches my attention. It has a in the shape of a lotus flower with quartz as apart of the side petals and the main petals made of Blue Calcite. Attached to the main stone is dangling diamond, the metal of the piercing itself silver.

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