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A groan escapes Y/N's lips, her throat was dry, making her sit up. "What. . . Where am I?"

"I didn't think I'd see you here" A deep voice says, making the demoness turn around.

As her red eyes landed on him, a gasp escapes her lips which she immediately covered. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she stared at him.



Y/n scanned the white place. It looked so lonely.

"How did I get here?" Y/n mutters to herself, completely forgetting about Yoriichi who sat beside her.

"You already know why" Yoriichi tell her, his eyes trained on the water that showed what's happening down back at the corps.

"What? But I don't know!" Y/n exclaims, tugging her hair and biting her nail. "I should've been in hell" she grumbled, confused.

Yoriichi's maroon eyes flickered towards her before looking back at the water. " You really are innocent" he mumbles nonchalantly.

"E-eh?! I know a lot you know!" She whined, pushing herself towards him. He moves his face away from her.

"You are wrong" he tells her.

Clicking her tongue, she sits back down beside him. "But I killed many people-

Suddenly, She gasps and stumbles into her back, her eyes wide. Yoriichi glanced at her for a second. "Did you figure it out?" He asks her.

She could only offer a small nod, her mouth agape. In a split second, she sits back up and pulls Yoriichi's haori. "B-but then, Where's S/n?!" She questions, her brows scrunched in worry.

"She's in hell, where else?" He replies. "After all, she tormented you and did selfish deeds" Yoriichi adds.

Y/n bites her cheek, her hands clenched Yoriichi's haori tighter as she looked down. "But s-she was just a kid" she whispers.

Yoriichi just glanced down at her sunken figure and looked back at the water. "That isn't an excuse" he mutters.


Y/N's red orbs stared intently at the scene that showed in the water. . .


Kagaya brows were furrowed. Indeed, the scene earlier had played. Only he beginning and the end, he didn't know that the reason he felt shock in his dream wet because Y/n was going to die.

"I didn't expect this to happen. . . But nevertheless, I need to know what she was gonna say" Kagaya thought. "Amane" he calls out.

Amane gulps, her hands trembling. "Y-yes?"

"Tell me everything she said after the incident. Do not miss anything" he sternly says.

"Hai" she replies, she knew she's in a big trouble after all. Amane knew not to ever lose her cool. . . But, Kagaya was special to her heart.

"And Sanemi" he calls out.

Sanemi's fists clenched but bowed to him respect. "Yes, Oyakata-sama"

"Learn to listen to orders" Kagaya tells him. "You're dismissed" he adds.

Sanemi grits his teeth and leaves the room. His eyes did not dare look back at the kimono that laid on the floor.


You still going?

You sure?

Alright alright


Muzan's body tenses.

The paper in his hands crumpled, along with the hand of his human wife.

"Ahh!!" Tsukahiro screams in pain, her hand tried to pry Muzan's hands of her hand, which crushed them with great force. The small child could hear her mother's bones crack.

"Daddy! Y-you're hurting mommy!" The small girl shout, tugging Muzan's coat, trying to get his attention. But her pleads would fall into deaf ears.

"T-Tsukihiko! Let go!" Tsukahiro exclaims, tears falling off her eyes. The shattered bones in her hand had pierced through her skin.

Muzan's eyes were wide as saucers, he did not hear his human family's pleads. Nor did he care.



Ok, that's the end🙃

You guys can just imagine the ending.🙃

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