22. Sweeter Than Fiction

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Week 2, November 1977

Kelsey looked over her shoulder to make sure she was alone as she tickled the pear. It was 1 am and she had snuck out of the Common Room to grab a late-night bite. She had to admit that being close to kitchens was the best part of being a Hufflepuff. 

All that DADA essay writing had her hand cramping. Professor Dustings was a little paranoid about students perfecting it better given the recent string of increasing attacks. Hence the essay overkill. It had been one month since they had moved on from the Patronus charms and she hadn't managed anything beyond a solid shield like many other students even though they had moved on to other topics.

She entered the kitchen excited to find Hoppy, her elf buddy, who usually whipped up quick meals for her. Walking into the room, she started thinking of what she was in the mood for when she heard another presence.

"Will Master be requiring anything else?" she heard Hoppy ask.

"Blimey. Any more and I'd burst," the person replied. As she came closer she saw Hoppy's eyes brimming with tears suddenly. "No- er-- what I meant was: Great job Hoppy. I'll be sure to tell my friends about this." She saw Sirius Black sitting on the kitchen island on a tall stool, looking desperate to not offend the elf further.

"I see you've resorted to making house elves cry now," Kelsey spoke up finally, making herself known. He stopped mid-chew while Hoppy ran over to her gushing.

"Miss Jones, it's been too long! What can Hoppy get you?"

"Got anything with chocolate in it?" she asked eagerly. With a delighted peep, the elf was off to fetch her something.

"I didn't know other Houses knew about this," she told him.

"They don't. It's just me and the boys usually." Sirius watched her take a seat opposite him.

"How did you even get here without being seen?"

He sent her a secretive smile. "I have my ways."

Kelsey hummed in response realising he probably had the cloak.

Hoppy came back a minute later with a plate full of baked chocolate goods. Gleefully, Kelsey took her pick and chose a chocolate-covered doughnut for herself and an eclair for Astrid.

"Chocolate really?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Whaf?" she said with her mouth full. "Fuckin' miss these," she muttered under her breath to herself.

He looked at her quizzically.

"The doughnuts. They don't make them as good in the UK. When I was five there was this local bakery down my lane in New England where I lived. Best. Chocolate. Ever." she said.

Sirius watched her as she stuck a tongue out to lick the last bit of frosting off her fingers. Unknowingly, he stared on until he felt his pants tighten slightly when she straight up sucked a finger.

Was she doing this on purpose? He looked away, willing himself to calm down.

"You're just like Moony," Sirius said a while later. "He's into chocolate. An unhealthy amount."

"Don't blame him. Thish ish heafun," she moaned, taking a bite from the second doughnut. This time a bit of chocolate syrup dribbling down her chin as the doughnut oozed.

"Quite the moaner aren't you Jones," he commented. Perhaps talking would keep him distracted and hopefully stop that urge to lick it off her himself. No matter how much he had vowed to only talk to her for prank related matters, the pull was back.

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