26. I Almost Do

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A/N: Possible choking hazard? Please don't eat/drink and read this chapter. Enjoy. ;)


Late November 1977

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Late November 1977

"Psst, Lily." Astrid's whisper lured Lily Evans over to the Hufflepuff table before she could even sit at her own the following Tuesday morning. It was the week after the latest Hogsmeade trip - the last week of November.

"Astrid, hey," Lily sat down looking around for Kelsey whom she found sitting a few seats away making it a point to glare at them while furiously chewing her porridge. There was milk dribbling down Kelsey's chin but she didn't care.

Kelsey brought two fingers up to her eyes and pointed them back over at Lily and Astrid. 'I'm watching you' she mouthed, accidentally spitting some stray oatmeal on the poor kid in front of her.

"Hey-" the boy in front of her went to protest but one look from Kelsey shot it down.

"Err- Are you okay Kels?" Lily asked a little loudly, appearing unsettled.

"Hell hath no fury, Evans," Kelsey replied venomously, squinting her eyes at the two of them. "Hell hath no fury." She shoved the last bit of breakfast in one huge spoon and jerked up suddenly.

Lily sighed sadly while they continued to watch their friend walk away without a word.

"She knows it wasn't our secret to tell, doesn't she?" Lily asked Astrid, unsure now.

"Yes, but you know how she is.."

"I can't believe you're still defending her," Lily accused. "You spoil her too much!"

"I think she's just upset because she didn't realise it on her own like you. That and the fact that she thinks she wasn't deemed trustworthy enough." Astrid also thought there was some unresolved Sirius tension there but she didn't mention it.

"This isn't about her," Lily huffed. "Although spending the day with James wasn't as bad as I'd-" She paused when Kelsey came storming back abruptly.

Lily only truly agreed to that 'date' with Potter to keep an eye on Kelsey for Remus. But when Astrid came up with her own side-plan and James offered to drop the fake date, she went ahead with it anyway.

A part of Lily always wondered: What would a date with James Potter look like? She hadn't been disappointed. Oddly enough, she only had Kelsey to thank for that. The very same Kelsey who was now avoiding her.

Out of nowhere, the sound of a firecracker bursting sounded and Astrid exclaimed, "Hufflin' Helga!! Lily, look!" she pointed up behind her. Kelsey too was staring at the space behind her, so Lily turned.

'I'm very fawn-ed of you. Go out with me again?'

Taking in the magical banner, Lily giggled unlike herself. She was supposed to be the proper one here!

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