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Moving here was definitely worth it if it means I get to see him everyday.

"Your drooling." He said before smiling cockily showing his cute dimples.

'Oh my ovaries.'

"Bit cocky don't you think?" I asked before turning my gaze back to the buildings. "Where can I find the administration's office?" I asked before shoving my class schedule in my back pocket possibly destroying the damn thing. Before turning to face him again as I glared into his dreamy eyes.

"First left then right through the second building." He said. I swear the world was set on slow motion as his pink pulp lips formed each word. Unable to accumulate a response I slightly nodded. Which caused him to chuckle once more making his wet brown hair fall onto his face. His hazel eyes squinted every time he chuckled. His light stubble made him even more attractive. His v neck t shirt hugged his torso and his biceps perfectly. Which raises points to a question that has been roaming my mind since I saw him.

'Was he an athlete?'

Without saying another word or posing another question. I quickly turned on my heels and went into the direction that was given to me. "Your welcome!" I heard him shout after me as I continued walking without looking back.

I'm pretty sure his ego can handle it.

"Jade! I'm glad you're here Green dale
university is strictly a double major school. You're going to have to choose your second major in less than 3 minutes." Daisy said standing outside the administration's office as if she was waiting for me. Being mean to her would be a lot easier if she wasn't so darn kind hearted.

"I'd like to choose Sociology if that's ok." I said trying my best to be polite to her. She nodded and smiled before whispering something to the lady through the window. "Here sweetie." Daisy said handing me a printed sheet of paper.

It's a shame I'm going to go back to being a complete bitch to her.

I quickly took the paper from her hands and exited the administration's office without saying a word. 'Lucky for me, my classes don't start until noon. So I have roughly 2 hours to spare.' I thought as I examined my new class schedule. I guess I could give myself a mini tour of the place.

25 minutes into my tour and this place is everything I thought it would be. With spoiled rich girls that lives in stuffy sorority houses and immature frat boys with all the great fixes. Just what I need. I'll fit in just fine at Green dale university. You know what they say 'birds of a feather flock together' or in this case 'all messed up adolescents with substance abuse issues get high together.'

"No one has ever said that." I said aloud before cringing at my awkward thoughts.

You'll soon come to realize that I have a tendency of speaking to myself.

"So you're stalking me now." a masculine voice spoke out. Causing me to roll my eyes at the familiar jock as I neared the football field. "Isn't that one of those cliche lines that the guy usually says to the girl in a romance movie? I didn't take you for a romantic." I teased causing the jock to chuckle. "I'm not but it seems you know a thing or two about romance." He retorted before throwing the ball to his friends and making his way towards me. "I thought you guys had to play in a helmet?" I asked as I continued walking on the side of the field. "We do, but this is practice." He said trailing behind me.

"You're a sports girl?" He asked while examining my face the second we stopped walking. "I'm not, I'm more of a drugs and booze kinda girl." I said boldly which caused him to narrow his eyes at me. "Well in that case, I'm James, I thought you should know seeing that you were sharing so much." The jock said laughing.

"Cooper!" the rest of what seems to be his teammates called. "Looks like you're needed come find me when you have either one of those." I said winking at him before walking away as if he had no effect on me.

He ALMOST makes me forget about Liam. And I'm starting to think I have a type. Yikes.

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