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"Are you sure you don't want to stay until later tonight?" My dad asked as he placed my luggage in the trunk of his car. "You want to spend your birthday in a new town all alone?" He asked which caused me to zone out.

It was because of that exact reason why I wanted to leave. I mean, I love my family but if I stayed in Green dale any longer I'd probably die. I was broken, I lost someone who I truly loved. And I'd give anything for him to look at me the way he used to. Or even speak to me, but no matter how bad I wanted it. It was never going to happen. And being here only sells me false hope.

"Yes, dad I'm sure." I stated dryly before hopping into the passenger side of the car. I know he was just trying to look out for me. But there's really not much he could do to cheer me up in this situation. The car ride was fairly silent as I glanced outside the window at all the familiar places. That I've grown accustomed to even my dad's crazy diner. I couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought of my dad's diner. I had a lot of crazy memories there, even this one time in particular where I had gotten so drunk that I was dancing on the counter. My dad went ballistic at that thought my smile widened. I think that's the only time I've ever really seen my dad so mad.

But there was one more memory that I had at the diner that I'd never forget it was a bittersweet memory. The day Liam came to see me I couldn't help the tears that were now pooling in my eyes. No matter how much I tried to forget about him.

I simply couldn't.

'And how could I?

I love him with every ounce of me he is and will always be the better half of me. I couldn't think of being with anyone else or loving anyone else. It was easy for me not to think about being with anyone else too. Seeing that as a Christian I made a vow to myself that the next guy that I get with would have to make me into a wife.'

I slowly gripped my necklace at my thoughts. Before allowing my tears to fall.

'I'm so sorry for the pain I caused you Liam.'

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