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3rd Person POV:

Arriving at the club called Red Barry, Jen saw her friend Gwen cleaning up the empty club along with other employees.

Jen: Hey Gwen!

Gwen: Oh hey Jen. You know I can't sell you drinks right now, right?

Jen: In that case there only one reason why I'm here.

Gwen: So why are you here?

Jen: Can we talk in private?

Gwen: Sure?

Taking their conversation to the VIP room, Jen goes on to explain what happened when she met her grandfather.

Gwen: That sounds like a plot from some kind of made-up story.

Jen: Well that's my life.

Gwen: So what now?

Jen: I don't know... Maybe you can tell me more about this Devil's Blood?

She tosses her the syringe of red liquid.

Gwen: Don't just toss me a drug!

Jen: Can you please do this for me? You're learning chemistry, so it should be a breeze.

Gwen: You're lucky I've actually heard of this stuff... If this is real, then it could be worth billions.


Jen: Sorry, did you just say billions?

Gwen: Just leave it to me.

Jen: Cool, but seriously, billions?

Gwen:(rolls eyes)

(Opening theme)

A week has passed since the incident with the Tyra dojo and Jen handing the Devil's Blood to Gwen.

In that time, Rose and Kai have become closer as friends. Currently, in the cafeteria, they were chatting amongst themselves.

Rose: So little ninja man... Tell me what's your type?

Kai: My type...?

Rose: Should have guessed that you wouldn't get that...

Rose: Hey... If you don't mind telling me... Do you remember anything from before the "incident"?

She gestures to his head.

Kai: Oh...

Rose: I'm not forcing you.

Kai: It's okay...

Kai: I don't remember much of myself... But I've seen family videos, so I get what I was like.

Rose: Do you wish you could go back to being your old self?

Kai:... I.... Don't know...

Rose:... Okay, why don't you ask me something?

Kai: O-okay.

Kai: What's your type?

Rose: A strong fighter that's not an asshole.

Kai: Ah... I'm still a little confused about what we're talking about.

Rose: Okay, you're pulling my chain.

Kai: I am? Sorry...

Rose: Ugh, whatever.

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