Too Bad (3x21)

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Summary: Daisy has finally come back after being swayed by Hive, but as a result of all the things she did under his spell, she feels horrible and doesn't want to talk to you. Based on the events in 3x21

You felt absolutely horrible, watching your girlfriend, who you finally got back after weeks of losing her to Hive, going through withdrawl and feeling absolutely terrible. She also looked terrible, with dark circles under her eyes and pale skin. There was nothing more you wanted to do than walk in there and hold her, but Daisy didn't want to see you, not after what she had done to you.

You had gone looking for her, of course, but under Hive's spell, she had seriously beat you up and had been this close to actually killing you. You were fine now, but you knew she blamed herself for that, even though you didn't blame her and none of it was her fault.

Daisy knew you were watching her. There were all these cameras in her cell and she somehow could feel your eyes on her. She was trying to act better than she felt, but inside she was hurting. The images of you on the ground, her fist coming to land on your cheek again and again and you just letting her hurt you. 

You didn't stop her or fought back, knowing you could never hurt her. You promised that right when you started dating, to never hurt her. And you didn't, even if it meant you got hurt instead.

Mack, May, Yo-yo and Lincoln had left to go on a mission. They were following up on a lead they had found with the information Daisy had given to Jemma, one of the only people she would actually talk to. You had stayed at the base, both as back-up for the mission and not wanting to leave Daisy here alone if Hive came looking for her here.

Coulson was currently talking to Daisy from the containment unit, keeping a wall between him and her. The answers she was giving to him hit you right in your chest. She was so convinced of her own guilt.

''No one blames you for this.'' Coulson's voice flowed through the speakers. You stood in front of the big screen in his office, constantly watching Daisy.

''Then that's on you, because I deserve the blame. All of it. And these protocols? Make them permanent, because I belong in this box.'' Daisy's words stung and you felt so much for her. 

''You're not a criminal,'' Coulson tried to reason. But it was clear Daisy didn't want to hear any of it. 

''That's exactly what I am. What do you call beating your own girlfriend to within an inch of her life?'' When Coulson didn't know what to say, it only confirmed what she felt. ''So you can keep your forgiveness and your pity because I shouldn't have either ... or your friendship.'' 

''Daisy, Y/N doesn't blame you and neither does anyone else. You were brainwashed.'' 

''So was Ward.''

Those were her final words, making clear the conversation was over. 

Right then, the others returned from the mission. You were alerted of that by Jemma, who peeked her head into the office with a victorious smile on her face. ''They're back and they have Hive!''

You felt both relieve and anger flow through you. Relief you had finally caught him but also anger because everything he had done to Daisy made you angrier than anything ever could.

You rushed out of the office to find Coulson already talking to Mack and Lincoln, both of them still in one piece luckily. ''Mack,'' you smiled as best you could. You were always happy to see your teammates come back from a mission alive. ''I heard you got the son of a bitch.''

''We did. Got him frozen in a nice little box.'' He smiled widely, before it dropped a little when he saw the pain in your eyes. ''How's our patient doing?'' he asked kindly. Kind was the best way to describe Mack. He cared so much about everyone that it got to the point of annoying sometimes.

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