The New Deal (Part 4)

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Part four of this series :) Thanks for requesting! Lets see what happens when you find yourself in another time period...

Everyone almost fell over when the plane suddenly dipped forward. You weren't on the ground anymore and with your current speed, it would crash into the ground. Luckily, auto pilot kicked in and straightened out the plane, but it was still falling down.

The whole team had rushed into the control center, tapping on screens to try and land the plane smoothly. It hit the ground with a loud bang, sliding over the uneven ground for a while until finally coming to a still. 

You had grabbed one of the chairs to keep yourself from getting thrown around the plane, heels digging into the black carpet. Relaxing after ensuring the plane wouldn't move again, you smoothed out your dress and pushed some hair behind your ears. It probably looked like a mess, but so did everyone else so you were fine with it.

''Everyone okay?'' Mack asked concerned, but he was met with nodding and positive sounds. Your own heart was still racing because of the excitement. But with the adrenaline in your system, it gave you a rush unlike anything you had ever felt. Well, maybe that kiss a minute ago had been even better. No it had definitely been better.

''Not everyone made the flight.'' Coulson's comment left you with guilt in your heart. 

Abandoning a teammate hit Jemma hard too. ''Enoch... we left him.''

''At least he has time to spare.'' Coulson tried to comfort her. However, you didn't understand his words. 

''What do you mean?'' It was the first thing you had said since everything came crashing down which caused Coulson to be slightly startled by your voice.

''He doesn't age,'' the man explained patiently. ''He's practically immortal.''

 You nodded your head in understanding. It was a slight relief they would find Enoch in the same state as when they left him. 

''Where did we jump to?'' Yo-Yo asked, a question you would like an answer too as well. 

Mack looked out the window. Although it was dark, he could still see the endless emptiness the plane had landed in. ''The desert?'' 

You furrowed your eyebrows. A desert? You had been in New York a minute ago and now you were in some desert? You had never even left the state of New York, let alone been to a desert. ''Which desert? Where are we?''

Daisy added her own question to yours, just as confused as you were. ''Why aren't we home?'' 

''GPS isn't working. I'm gonna try and find a topographical match.''

But Jemma had a better idea and picked up the radio that had fallen to the ground. She twisted some buttons until a clear voice came out. 

''There it is. And we hear you want more Perry Como. We've got him up next.''  You had no idea who this person was and the man's voice was a lot different than the usual ones they had on the radio. 

Dread filled everyone's chests. They knew this wasn't 2020. They had jumped alright, but only a couple years into the future, not 90. ''Please tell me that's an oldies station,'' Yo-Yo begged.

''But first, a word from our sponsors at Conway Auto. They've got the brand new '55 Thunderbird. Stop by and take the road by storm...''

Your heart stopped. 1955? You knew you were going to time travel. But suddenly here you were. Just a minute older than you were when you left 1931, but 23 years had passed. Your father would be an old man by now. Maybe he had already died.

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