Chapter 1

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It's been rough. I got home from school early and here I am working at Jane Little Cafe. It's Decemeber and its Freezing cold outside. I put on my apron that Had Jane Little Cafe printed in black letters on top of the white color. I tied my hair in a pony tail. My nails were chipped from washing dishes. It's been two months working here and All I've earned would be 750 dollars. And tips would go up to 30 dollars per month.. It's been rough ever since my parents died. I've tried to get over it. I live with my Uncle who is barley home. He comes late from some drunken club. He barely talks to me. I usually sit at home studying for exams and tests and quizes. Then I go to work and earn college money. I promised my mom that one day I'll become a teacher. I want to make her proud.

"Hello Chloe " Michelle Smiled at me.

"Hey Michie" I greeted while washing my hands. "Saw You Talking to Mr.Scott" she winked. "Oh stop it you" I said while blushing. I knew she was only kidding. But the Flashback of his adorable face returned to me. I closed my eyes and smiled.

Ring Ding.

The Cafe door opened . Michelle Nugded my shoulder. I giggled. Ashton walked towards the cashier. He ran his tongue down his bottom lip. "Dark coffee with sugar " he said Smiling. I smiled back and went to prepare his coffee. I couldn't help but think about his eyes. His voice and everything was ringing in my head.


Oh no. I watched the mug shatter into peices with the coffee spilling across the floor. "Chloe I'll clean it, here, go do your job. " said Michie handing me the mug of the same exact order that Ashton ordered. I ran to the cashier and smiled. "Here" I said handing him the mug. His fingers brushed mine. I blushed and felt butterflies in my tummy.

"Hey Um I'll be here till 5 when you have a break meet me at my table.

He walked off to the table. I grabbed a wet cloth and started wiping the counter. I looked at him. He was wearing a purple button down shirt with a black tie. He was writing in that book. I wish I could read it. He stopped writing and looked up to see me. I quickly looked away.

He looked back at his book. He fixed his tie. I stuttered. I walked out into the cafe tables. Some quests were on their electronics and here we had Ashton writing in his black notebook. He looked like in his early twenties to be honest. I was that creepy 16 yearold girl who would stalk him. I started wiping some tables. I dragged the cloth up and down the table next to him. "You're very beautiful "

I looked at Ashton and he smiled. "Thanks" I managed to let out. I was flushed. "Chloe You're on break!" Shouted Michelle while moving her eye brows up and down.

"Guess we can chat?" Asked Ashton.

I walked over to the table and sat down. He closed his notebook and closed his pen. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand. His blue eyes shined liked stars. I smiled and bit my lip. "Sooo?" I asked.

"Tell me what you do? You're obviously in High School Right?" He asked.

"Yea I'm a Junior" i stated avoiding his eyes. He nodded awkwardly. "You don't look like a Junior..But I suppose you're 16?" He asked. "Yeah" I answered. "Well I'm Ashton Scott. I'm in school And I like to write." He stated. "How old are you?" I asked. "23" he stated looking away from me.

I nodded. "So what are your hobbies?" I asked . "I like Cooking even though I'm not a good cook. I like to Write and read. I enjoy helping charities and poor." He finished.

"Family? I know it's too early but.." I asked. "Wait No Chloe (he knew my name??) I'm not interested in You . I've been busy I just wanted to get to know you. You seem like a great girl to have as a friend" he said. My heart shattered into pieces. I looked at Michelle that was staring into our souls. I gave her a glare to signal that my break was over.

"Oh Yeah I know" I stated.

"Chloe Break is over!!" Shouted Michelle. Did I forget to tell you Michelle is my manager?

I got up from the table. I fixed myself. I gave him a salute. "Bye See you soon I guess" I said about to walk to the counter. His hand grabbed my wrist. I was forced to look into his beautiful eyes. I was lost for a quick second. "Good Bye Chloe" he stated letting go of my wrist.

I walked back to the counter with my face heated up. I don't know what Just happened. I started heating up some coffee. Customers made their way home. 5:30 was the time I leave. Ashton hasn't left which makes me wonder.

A customer came in. He was skinny and wore a jean jackt with black jeans. His hair was curly and light brown. "Sup cutie i want one ice coffee with caramel and frosty icing" he order while pulling out five bucks. I grabbed it from his hand and gave him his change.

"Are you available? Here's my number " he said winking and walking off with his take home coffee.

It was now 5:30pm the time I get to leave home. I took off my apron and grabbed my coat from the hangers. I waved goodbye to Michelle. Ashton still sat there. I walked over to his table. It was technically the Only table that didn't have the chairs set up. "We're Closing" I stated looking away from his eyes. "Oh I'll get going" He said. I walked away towards the door. I changed the sign from open to close and started making my way to the bus stop.

The night was chilly. The street lights sparkled. I smiled at the beautiful Christmas lights that hung on the suburb houses. I walked to the bus stop and saw an Old Lady Sitting on the bench. I felt a water droplet fall on my head. Soon Rain started falling down from the sky. "Well Chloe" Someone's deep voice echoed. I turned around to Face Ashtons Bright blue eyes. He winked. I felt my face heat up.

I waited for O23 .

"Well I didn't know you didn't drive" I stated

"Ha I do Just that I wanted to take the bus for today." He said. He was soaking wet. His black notebook stood in his arms. The bus arrived soon enough. I smiled. The old lady got in First.

Then Ashton ."I'm With Her" he stated while passing the bus driver without paying. "What the ?!" I shouted. I heard him chuckle. I took out my bus pass and put it in twice. I went to go sit as far from him.

Minutes passed.

Ashton came over to sit next to me. "Here" he said handing me 3 bucks. "No I don't want it" I stated with a straightforward attitude.

He chuckled. "What the hell is so funny?!" I questioned annoyed now. "You're such a kid" he stated. I rolled my eyes. "I'm 16 so no duh" I said looking away from him. I felt a hand grab mine. I looked at him. He smiled let go of my hand. "This is my stop..bye Chloe" he said. He got off the bus .

I sat there. I sat there remembering his touch. I closed my eyes. I remeber the color of his eyes.

45 chestnut road

I hopped off the bus. I walked home . It had stopped raining. Ashton was in my head for the past minutes. I remember I had the kids Number. I took it out and read it. I then put it back in my pocket and got to the house.

I walked up the steps and pushed my key. I opened it and walked into the warm house. I walked everywhere and My uncle isn't here.

I sat on the couch.

I took out the number and flipped my phone out. I dialed it just for curiosity. "Hello Chloe this is Ashton Scott " said the voice. "What???" I questioned. "Hey Do You wanna hang tonight? There's my little bro's birthday party with kids your age" he said.

What the basically he wants me to "hang" with him.

"I'm Busy Studying " I lied.

"Well Good Night" he said.

I didn't bother to say Good Night. I hung up the phone and put it to my chest.

Monday I'm transferring schools. I was put in Private school but my uncle can't pay that. So public school will be a sorta new thing to me.

I turned on the tv and flipped through some channels. I landed on Abc Fam and decided to watch some Pretty little liars.

The fact that I ended up falling asleep.

Zzz .


Its short for a reason. The first chapters might be short because they are the first chapters.

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