Chapter 8 ~ The Party

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Ken, Sammy, Jake and I were all making our own way to the party. It was a warm evening, on the brink of spring and the cusp of summer. Through my apartment window, the last of a rainbow sunset cast a golden glow over my minimalist-style room as I put together an outfit. I dressed myself and looked in the bathroom mirror as I played with my hair.

I glanced over my dark skinny jeans and my white converse hi-tops. I wore a white short sleeve button shirt that I had half tucked into my jeans and left an extra button open- for good measure. I left my hair to flop over away from my face as I picked out a silver chain necklace. I didn't like to admit it but I was dressing up for Jake, it was our first party together and I wanted him to think I looked good, to want me. I pinched my cheeks and bit my lip in the mirror, and then shook my head at myself, embarrassed even though no one was there.

My mum worked a night shift at the hospital on Friday nights so I grabbed my keys and my phone, shutting the tiny apartment door before walking over to the mansion.

It was around 9:30 when I arrived, and the night sky was fresh- unlike the smell of teens and sex that orbited the mansion. No one was kidding when they said it was a mansion. I walked down through the front garden, past the lit-up pool and entered the house, taking a moment to appreciate the classic mid-century modern architecture and lavish furniture in the foyer.

I made my way through small groups of some people I recognised, waving at familiar faces until I reached the kitchen where I spotted Sammy, Ken and Jake chatting around the make-shift bar.

I hugged Sammy and Ken briefly before finally greeting Jake, with a hug that felt longer and distinctly less platoAsher. I avoided eye contact with Jake and caught up with the boys for half an hour, as we toured around the house saying hi to our soccer teammates and pointing out people who'd come tonight .

It was 10pm when Jake excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Sammy and Ken waited for him to be out of our sight and then turned to me with their full attention. I didn't notice because I spent an extra second admiring Jake's back as he sauntered through the crowd.

"Maxy, what the hell is going on between you guys?" Sammy said.

"I don't know what-" I replied confused, but was interrupted by Ken.

"You guys have been eye-fucking all week... Tell me there isn't something going on."

"I-I... I don't know. Nothing's going on... I have feelings for him, but I don't know if he feels the same." They had never so plainly confronted me. I was always worried that they couldn't talk about boys with me but I guess it was all in my head.

"Is it that obvious?" I continued.

They shared a glance and smiled knowingly at me.

"I don't even know if he's into guys... I was gonna try to talk to him and find out tonight..." I stated. I thought I was confident but really I was scared shitless.

"Come on Maximillian, he's been flirting with you for the last two months, trust me, whatever his sexuality is, Jake is into you." Ken said while we moved out into the back garden where the music was quieter. The conviction in his voice calmed some of my nerves. Sammy nodded in agreement.

"It might mix up your friendship but you have to talk to him. Look he's coming back now," Sammy gestured at the entrance to the garden.

"The way he looks at you, god I wish someone would look at me like that. Ken, look at Max, his face just lights up, did you see that?"

I was barely listening to what Sammy was saying, and muttered a thanks and asked them to wish me luck, which they did, as I met Jake half-way.

"Hey, can we find somewhere quiet to talk?" I came right out and said it.

My eyes flicked to his lips as he licked them and nodded. My shoulder brushed against his as I led us through the loud music, cheap disco lights and sweaty crowd to the stairway, we climbed up, still able to view the party but we could hear each other speak.

I turned around to face Jake and opened my mouth to speak. He climbed up another step so that we were on the same one, and he reached his full height, half a foot taller than me. Instantly my butterflies kicked in and I became aware of the tiny space between us that I so desperately wanted to close.

Jake's darkened eyes reflected the red glow of the party lights with intense detail.

It all happened in one blur.

He stepped forward, one leg between my own and his lips dropped to level with mine. His hand smoothed across my jawline and I closed my eyes, leaning in and connecting our lips for a slow, burning kiss. Jake pulled me closer and pushed me back into the wall, taking control of the kiss I didn't expect to receive tonight, even in my wildest dreams. I ached for more contact and we kissed for a while longer until I felt the tenderness of Jake's hands on my biceps, gently disconnecting us. He took a step back and we took a moment to breathe.

"...Jake," I broke the silence finally.

"I'm sorry... I just couldn't hold back anymore," James confessed. My heart swelled with happiness and I bit my swollen lips to stop myself from losing my cool.

"I've liked you for a while now," I paused and leaned back against the wall, "I've been out for a while but I never..." I trailed off.

James nodded his head in understanding, the party lights now danced across the walls in patches of blues and greens that looked mesmerising in his eyes.

"I've waited for so long to do this," James stated, maintaining his lustful gaze over my face.

"Me too," I whispered so quietly that I knew he didn't hear it, before leaning in and capturing his lips in another painfully slow kiss.

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