Chapter 10 ~ Attention Seeking

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I changed from my school uniform into black skinny jeans with rips, and an oversized grey V-neck sweater. I stepped into my black doc martens, sprayed some mild cologne and ruffled my hair in the mirror. I posed and smirked at my own reflection. That stupid hope and desperation to see Max at the party had settled in as I had gotten ready. I applied some lip balm and smacked my lips together.

"You look nice James," My mum spoke softly as she leaned against the bathroom door frame."

I smiled appreciatively at the compliment to avoid giving anything away. I could swear she had x-ray vision. "I'm just going to a party; I probably will be home before three am."

"Looks like a bit more than just a party." Her smile wavered slightly with a warning, maternal sheen, "Stay safe, I love you. You have your phone, keys and wallet yes?"

I assured her I had all my things, planted a kiss on her cheek, and went on my way to carpool the boys over to the party.

"Woah James, you look hot. I'm not usually into guys but-" Asher cooed.

"Are you trying to suggest something?" We all laughed.

This was our usual banter and I missed it.

"Seriously though, who are you trying to impress tonight?" Reece chipped in from his seat in the back, he was definitely onto me. And just thinking about it made me blush.

"Oh my goodness I think he's blushing." Asher exposed me.

"Asher, Reece, shut up. I just felt like looking good." I attempted to end the topic but watched them lock eyes and exchange matching unconvinced expressions.

"Hmm yeah, definitely huh."

I laughed at Reece's sarcasm, and hoped that was good enough for them.

We arrived at the party mansion fashionably late, the sky was already a deep shade of blue and I could feel the vibrations of music through the concrete. I could also smell the alcohol. I could deal with a few shots, maybe, but tonight I was designated driver.

Asher came back from the drinks table with vodka shots for himself and Reece. We decided to part ways, and then I would gather them both up at around one and bring them home. That left me with three hours of party and zero alcohol.

I killed some time making my way through the house, exploring and saying hi to people. I turned the corridor, down another long hallway, and that's when I saw him.

Max Milten. And he looked devastatingly, painfully fine tonight, resting his back against the wall holding a conversation with the guy next to him. I needed to find myself a distraction immediately. Just his presence in the slightest corner of my eye was suffocating. I walked straight past him and his 'friend' and entertained the fact that he might have seen me.

Paraded into a room, where a group of high schoolers I didn't recognise were dancing. I joined them, dancing to the groove, and instantly felt better. I caught eyes with a pretty boy type across the dance floor. It had been a while since I last fucked someone and I found the cure for my stress as I flashed the guy a smile and watched him dance his way through the crowd. I was already exasperated from dancing and the warmth from his body near mine, the buzz of excitement made me breathless. He was a little shorter than me, maybe five-foot-ten, and I wanted to know how it felt to curl my fingers in his dirty blonde waves.

It wasn't long before I had my arms around his, Kaden's, neck, his lips close to my skin. We were introducing ourselves over the bass. It was too loud, too warm in here, and I wanted him alone.

"Follow me" I yelled over the music.

He nodded, smiling up at me. I led us into a mostly empty hallway, let him push me up against the wall. He leaned in, and I closed the gap between us. His tongue was already in my mouth, our hands travelling around each other urgently. I pressed against him, creating some sort of rhythm and pulling on his hair, just like I wanted.

Milten was far gone in my mind by then.

We broke apart after a while, I didn't know how long. I was tingling all over, my vision took a moment to adjust to my surroundings. I looked around panting, my body still lingering against Kaden's. It was then that I caught eyes with Max. He was a few metres away. He'd probably seen everything. I pulled Kaden in close, holding eye contact with Milten like the fool I was, as I kissed below Kaden's ear and felt him melt against me. But it was time to go.

"I have to go." I whispered. I couldn't handle this. I couldn't handle the game I kept trying to play with Max, because it was clear, by the guy hanging around his neck, that I was only playing myself.

I gave Kaden one last long kiss on his jawline, and walked off to gather my friends.

I found Asher and Reece, both tipsy but I had seen worse. We made our way to my car, when my sweatshirt lifted, exposing my crotch.

"Oh my god Reece, James has a boner!" Asher shouted far too loud.

"Insane. Who was the lucky guy James?" Reece asked.

"Guys, guys! Shut up! It didn't go anywhere anyway. That was it." I replied.

"Obviously it didn't go anywhere, let alone finish." Asher snuck in his innuendo. "Ha, and I thought you and Milten finally got it on..." He added, emphasising the disappointment in his voice.

It was news to me that they thought that something was going on between me and Max.

"What? That's not going to happen."

"He eye-fucks you all the time in training. I don't know how long he'll be captain if he can't keep his eyes on the ball. He obviously wants you." Reece's words were slurred. But their impact still sent shivers down my spine. Alcohol really brought out the truth in these boys.

The rest of the drive, Asher and Reece only talked about how hungry they were, but my mind was off elsewhere.

I delivered them home safely, and fell asleep, thinking about Sunday training.

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