Chapter 8: Two Little Crybabies

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A/N: I just wanna say thank you guys so much. (it's midnight as I write this and I guess I'm feelin sappy)

You all are so kind and patient with me and also you're just so sweet like I promise I read every single comment and they all put a smile on my face.

I'm so incredibly overjoyed to create something that makes other people happy.

So thank you all for supporting me and my dumb little self-indulgent fanfics lol

I hope I can continue to create stuff that makes you guys excited and maybe gives you a little escape from this shitty shitty world we live in

Thanks :)

(wow this sounds like a goodbye letter but it's not, it's just me being sentimental and so absolutely grateful for people liking what I make)


It was naptime.


Because Kiri was slumped over fast asleep as he leaned on Bakugou and held the blonde's right arm hostage. 


Bakugou may be an asshole but he's not evil. He's not gonna rip his arm away from this cute sleepy little guy. Kiri looked so adorable with his round little cheek squished against Bakugou's arm. 


He sighed and picked up his pencil with his left hand.

Good thing he taught himself to be ambidextrous when he was little. When Deku learned how to write his name before Bakugou could, Bakugou worked his ass off to prove he was better by being able to write his whole name with both hands. 

Nearly everything Bakugou does is out of spite and it's worked out incredibly well so far. 

Meanwhile, Midoriya had turned himself around so he was facing Todoroki and could rest his head on the teen's chest. His little hands clutched onto Todoroki's uniform with as much might as the tired toddler could muster. Which meant his grip was getting looser by the second. 

After a class period and a half, the two kids began to stir. 

Kiri yawned and sat up in his chair, tiredly rubbing his eyes with his fists. He looked around some before turning to Bakugou. It was so quiet in this room. There was nothing fun to look at. He didn't have anything to do. And why wasn't Bakugou paying any attention to him? that was the worst thing of all! 

"Baku," He whispered, tugging at Bakugou's sleeve, "Suki," He continued a little louder, tugging harder. He angrily pouted and furrowed his brows, "Kat!" He whined. He was all out of nicknames! Tears welled up in his eyes. 

Well that settles it. 

Bakugou hates him.

Kiri is gonna be all alone and sad for the rest of his life. 

Bakugou finally finished what he was writing and turned to Kiri. He let out a little sigh and pulled the pitiful little man into his lap. 

"Ei, I'm still in class, I gotta pay attention." He whispered, honestly hoping that nobody else in the class was paying attention to him.

Though, considering the way Bakugou was just softly speaking and how gently he pulled Kirishima into his lap, the rest of the class couldn't help but pay attention. If not for the shock but the sheer adorableness of it all. 

Bakugou sent everyone some quick glares and that mostly did the trick. He turned his attention back to Kiri.

"Here, draw me a manly picture." He suggested, pulling out all his highlighters and different colored pens. Guess his notes today will only be in black pen. And yes, Bakugou takes beautiful goddamn notes with annotations and organization and shit. He has gorgeous handwriting. Fuck you. 

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