Chapter FIVE

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Lacey Paxton

You wake up feeling less than refreshed, nervous, and riddled with doubt, but still somewhat excited to challenge yourself..

Hadley would be impressed by how you have handled the past week and that you haven't packed up your bag and run away..
and even though you spend ninety percent of your time obsessing on your various anxieties, you've made friends and managed to even feel halfway to normal at times..

You dress in a pair of comfortable jeans and a fitted grey t-shirt before making your way over to the kitchen and dining tent to greet your peers..

Mateo welcomes you with a bright smile.. "Good morning, Lace.. Coffee?"

He asks, pouring you a cup of instant coffee before you even answer because he already knows the answer is yes..

"Ah, you're an angel, Mateo, thankyouuuuu.." You coo gratefully as you take a satisfied sip..

Priya passess you a breakfast dish.. "You just missed Sanjake, Petal,, he went up to check if the road is open again.."

You nod with a smile, pouring the contents of a small packet of cereal flakes into the bowl, eating breakfast happily with the others before standing up, taking your second cup of coffee with you as you make you way to the infirmary tent to start your first rounds of the day..


A few hours later, you're sorting through a box of antivirals, looking for a fresh immunisation kit for a young patient when you come across a set of unmarked vials..

The registration numbers on the small plastic pallet unlike anything you've ever seen before.. "What the heck?.."

Lifting up one of the vials you bring it closer to your eyes for inspection and in doing so, seeing that it is in fact a split vial, containing two doses of something..
One of the fluids is transparent.. The other an unsettling shade of bright purple..

You're puzzling over the appearance of the mysterious vials when sound of tyres outside alerts you to Sanjake's return.. You tuck the vial into the pocket of your long white coat, making a mental note to ask Sanjake about them..

Heading outside you lift a hand to block the bright sun from your eyes, peering across the camp yard to see Sanjake approaching the pharmacy tent.. Alongside him, looking very out of place is a tall thick shouldered man, in a dark pinstriped suit..

Squinting your eyes to get a better look at the stranger, an impossible realisation dawns on you, as ice runs through your veins.. Chilling you to your core..

You know this man..

Its not possible.. This can't be happening.. Please let it be a nightmare.. Make it stop!!

The doctor and his guest come to a stop in front of you.. Sanjake smiling warmly as he begins to make introductions, completely unaware of the inner turmoil and terror you feel in this moment.. "Hey there, Lacey! This is the donor I was telling you about, CEO of Davros Pharmaceuticals.. David Kingsley.."

You could never forget that face.. That smug, rodent like face.. The smell of old spice and his indifferent gaze.. But he shows absolutely no sign of recognition when he extends a hand with a smarmy smile.. "It is a wonderful thing you're all doing here, miss?.."

You can't speak.. You can't move.. You just stand there, like a statue of yourself..
Paralysed.. Numb..

The doctor steps in.. "Lacey Paxton.. My surgical assistant and second in charge here.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now