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Ace Greyson

She stares at me, her pouty lips parted in shock, her shiny silver eyes wide in disbelief at the words that have just dropped from my mouth.. I couldn't stop them..

Hell, I hadn't even tried..

I dont want to pretend it isn't happening.. Its the damn truth.. There is no comparison to the tiny doctor.. Every curve ball she throws me only brings me closer to knowing what I had been sure of all along.. The reason that deep down I had agreed to keep away from her.. I knew.. I knew from the second I saw her that she would be the one to bring me to my knees.. In every sense.. I'm falling for her, and it's easy..

Real fucking easy..

"I - - I don't know what to say.." Her breathy voice comes out a bewildered whisper.. And though she doesn't seem to have the words, she still inches forward towards me, moving closer, her sparkling granite gaze searing into mine..

"You don't need to say anything, Doll-face.." I shift from my haunches fixing my fly, buttoning my pants as she reaches up to smooth her mussed hair back into place self consciously.. "I just want you to know, you're it for me, Baby-doll.. I'm all in here.. And I will be, for as long as you let me, Lacey.."

She chews her bottom lip, looking down at her bare legs.. "I.. Um.. I really like how that sounds.." Her beautiful gaze lifts to meet mine.. "And I don't want to you to go anywhere.. You make me feel.. Different.. Hopeful.. I want to be that version of me that you see.."

She pushes back, scooting across the mattress to lay her head down, little cascades of her shiny fair hair tumbling over the pillow.. She peels back the cover, wriggling her way beneath and inviting me to lay beside her with the wiggle of her fingers..

"You already are, Baby-doll.. You'll see.." She watches as I quickly reach over my shoulders to pull my shirt over my head, her eyes raking over my black and blue ribs down over my abs to follow the movement of my fingers and as I unbuckle my belt and drop my jeans to the floor, she smiles coyly..

As I slip into the bed beside her in my boxer briefs, she snuggles into my side and I wrap an arm around her daintly shoulder, her cool fingers press against the hot skin of my abdomen..

I allow my body to relax, a contented breath leaving my lungs as lay back in her insanely soft, squishy mattress, closing my eyes and letting my muscles unwind.. Trying to to remember the last time I felt so.. Happy..

Then I realise, I can't.. Because I've never known a happiness like this could exist..

"Umm.." She hums..


She doesn't move, so I lay there, perfectly still, waiting for her to tell me whats on her constantly ticking mind.. "Can I tell you something, Ace?.. A secret?.."

I open my eyes, immediately intrigued as I turn to my side to take in her anxious expression.. "You can tell me anything.."

She pushers up on one elbow, fiddling with the collar of her sweater.. Her feet twitching against my legs between the sheets as she jitters apprehensively.. "You, um, can't tell anyone.. .. Or at least, you can't say you heard about it from me.. I promised her I wouldn't say anything.."

I sit up, her mysterious set up only heightens my curiosity.. "You promised who, Lacey?.."

She tucks her hair back behind her ear.. "Its Iris.. ..She's sick, Ace.."

Of all the things she could have told me about Iris, for some reason this is the most difficult to believe..

What the hell does she mean sick?

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now