Chapter Nineteen | Unrequited

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"COULD YOU PLEASE request Mrs. Shrine to send an empty basket to my room?"

Chrissy met Vivienne's eyes in the mirror, and she nodded once.

"How are you liking the other ladies?" Vivienne asked politely.

For the guests who hadn't travelled with a lady's maid, Lady Torrington and Mrs. Shrine had assigned maids to them. Vivienne knew Chrissy was tending to a few other ladies during their stay at the manor.

Chrissy was silent for a moment and Vivienne thought she might not answer her question before she spoke. "They are much easier to tend to. They have finer dresses and jewelry. I've received two offers thus far of becoming a permanent lady's maid," Chrissy boasted.

Vivienne smiled tightly, "That seems nice. I'm sure you will be missed here if you do leave."

This time, Chrissy did ignore her comment and opened the door to her bedroom chamber. "I'll have your basket brought up soon enough."

"Thank you."

When the door shut Vivienne sighed into the chaise. It might be better for them all if Chrissy left Chalcott manor. Her behaviour had not improved the last few weeks sand Vivienne knew that the maid barely tolerated her. From what the dowager countess had been teaching her, ensuring the happiness of the servants led to successful houses. Sooner or later, the situation between Chrissy and her would become much bigger but right now, it was just like a clock hand ticking away slowly, approaching the hour.

There was another knock on her bedroom, and she swung the door open to see a chamber maid holding a basket.

She grabbed it from the maid, thanking her. Vivienne then took a hold of a sleeping Ginger and placed the cat into the basket before closing the top. The cat meowed, and Vivienne's heart crumbled but she held on. This was for the best. Slowly opening the door, she made sure that no other ladies or gentlemen were awake and in the hallway before making her way down.

It wasn't surprising at all that it was only the servants that were awake at this hour as everyone had gone to bed quite late last night. While the gentlemen gathered in the billiards room, the ladies gossiped quietly before retiring in the late hours of the night.

Martin was the first to notice her, "Good morning my lady."

"Good morning," Vivienne replied softly over the faint meows of her cat.

Concern lined Martin's face as he took in her day gown and bonnet tied right underneath her chin. "Is everything well?"

She gave him a reassuring smile, "It is, Martin. I'm just going to head to the gardens for a bit of fresh air. I should be back before breakfast." she promised.

"Very well," the butler said. "Have a pleasant walk."

"I will."

As the door shut behind her, Vivienne sighed in relief. She walked slowly towards the gardens, taking time in ensuring that the basket didn't rattle too much for fear that Ginger might get injured. She sat down upon the stone bench in the gardens before opening the basket and Ginger curiously lifted her pink nose in the air.

Vivienne hoisted the cat out of the basket and set her on the ground, "Go on now. Explore and enjoy the sunshine little one. I might not be able to sneak you out till all the guests are gone."

The cat did not hesitate for a moment before she began walking around the garden, sniffing the various plants in the area. Vivienne winced as Ginger came extremely close to one of the rose bushes. Surely the cat would not bite off any of the flowers in the gardens. If Ginger did not behave, Vivienne would owe the gardener quite the apology.

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