Chapter Forty-Six | Backbone

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"ARE YOU SURE you want to do this my lady?" Millie bit her lips nervously, "You could always speak to the earl or duke."

Vivienne clutched her pendant, determination flooding her body. She could no longer sit around and be compliant after knowing about the betrayal. It had been a rough week. The few times she ventured out to the modiste for her gown fittings on Bond Street, the ladies and gentlemen had all gawked at her. The storekeepers had been a bit more sensible, but Vivienne knew that once she left, they had gossiped about her. Vivienne was going to confront the person who leaked the information to the gossip columns. She was not expecting it to be a pleasant conversation, but it could bring her a form of solace that had been missing from her life over last week.

Vivienne and Millie walked across the corridor before they headed downstairs. A few of the servants gave them peculiar looks but did not say anything. Her popularity with the servants had not increased either. They tolerated her, but Vivienne knew the reason for the lack of respect was because of Lady Westmorland. If their mistress did not treat her kindly, the servants mirrored that behaviour.

Vivienne did not bother knocking on the unmarked door as she pushed it open. Chrissy jumped from the bed, "You cannot be here."

Millie, on her heels look nervously around the room.

Vivienne turned to her lady's maid, "will you give us a moment please?"

Millie bobbed her head, "I'll be waiting outside my lady if that is alright with you."

"Yes," Vivienne said softly waiting as the door clicked shut behind the lady's maid. She turned back to Chrissy who was glaring at her.

"What do you want from me? You cannot simply come in here as you please!"

Anger flashed in Vivienne's eyes, and she took a step closer to the maid, "Sit down. I believe it is a wonderful time as any to have a discussion as to why you visited Mr. Ackerman and released my story to the gossip columns."

Chrissy paled, but her face quickly morphed into one of denial, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I have eye-witnesses Chrissy. Not to mention when I sent a generous donation to Mr. Ackerman's print, he was quite willing to divulge some of the secrets of his business."

"I ain't have nothing to say to you," Chrissy spat.

Vivienne looked at the pathetic creature in front of her coldly. She had told the maid to stay out of her way, but Chrissy just could not help herself. "You will inform Lady Westmorland tonight that you are leaving your position."

"And why would I do that?"

"I've sent Mr. Ackerman an interesting note detailing your history of theft from multiple aristocrats. I am sure the ladies of the ton will be out to get your blood once they find out. They can be quite vicious upon learning that their jewels have been taken. A hanging only seems as sure as the sun rising from the horizon..."

"You wouldn't."

Vivienne shrugged her shoulders casually, "I think it would be best if you didn't test me on this. If you leave now, I shall not inform anyone. However, if I see even a glimmer of you sniffing around this household in the morning, I will be sending a missive to our favourite editor," she said sweetly.

"But where am I to go?"

"I don't know and frankly Chrissy, I'm not one to care. You've hurt enough people that you could be homeless or be taken into a whore house, and I would not bat an eye."

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