Chapter 1- meet the family

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(No ones POV)

Your father had been drinking a lot recently, more so than before. You could feel your parents relationship was about to crumble into pieces, and you also knew who would be blamed for it. You, you would like every other time.

Like when your dad broke a vase, he blamed that you were being distracting and proceeded to give you get another beating, or when your mom was fired from her job she somehow came to the conclusion that you had seduced her boss into firing her... let's see you have never had good treatment from your family, and although it saddened you, you knew that your little brother b/n was going to get the same treatment if you didn't get out of there soon.

It was morning and you were making breakfast for your parents,  if you didn't you would get another beating, and after the most recent one that hurt like a bitch and looked like it too, you didn't want that. Plus if you kept your head down and your mouth silent they most likely weren't going to do anything to you... yet.

"Hey slut! Is my food ready, I have to leave early." Your father said and came back behind you,  grabbing the back of your hair, before yanking.

"Y-yes it's done, please give me one moment" you stuttered, then served the food onto a plate. And putting in front of your father, along with his morning tea.

Your mother had left extremely early this morning, putting your father in a bad mood, but since he had to leave early for a meeting, he couldn't even get a few punches in.

"Have a good day father"

"Shut up slut"

It was now time for you to wake your little brother up, he stayed at a daycare during the day so that you could attend your jobs.

Ah yes the jobs, your mother now refuses to work saying "it's too much of a hassle" so this leaves you and your fathers as the main providers for the family right? Wrong, you work three jobs, 19 hours a day just too keep this family out of financial bankruptcy, and how do they repay you? They spend half of it on alcohol or drugs.

Of course you have been extremely smart with your money, pushing off half of your earnings to a secret bank account, and only spending when absolutely necessary.
———————time skip———————

It was the end of the day now, your boss had given you an earlie release after he saw your face and how tired you looked, he was always worried for your health either mentally or physically, saying things like "you look too thin" or "how did you get those bruises?". You loved him but the constant mother hen mode was a little bit annoying .

"Oh I'm so sorry y/n but before you go can you wait a few more tables,  a really big family just came in and  we don't have any other workers on call right now... you can keep all the tips."
He seemed desperate and it's not like you were doing anything.

Walking out with your hair tied back and a notepad with a pen you looked for the tables with the big family, holy hoops that is a big family! Usually your bios says it's a big family when really it's just 6 people but here there are at least 20!

"Hello I'm y/n and I'll be your family's server for the night, let's start off with drinks, are you ready to order?" You said with a completely fake smile on your face, what you hadn't noticed was that all 24 pairs of eyes now realized that you were special, and that you were theirs.

"Ahh yes love, we will all have waters, so where do you come from? I haven't seen you around town?" The black haired women spoke, touching your elbow ever so slightly with her hands.

"Ahh yes love, we will all have waters, so where do you come from? I haven't seen you around town?" The black haired women spoke, touching your elbow ever so slightly with her hands

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"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not exactly comfortable revealing personal information to customers, even if they do seem as such nice people" you said back and steeped back into the kitchen.

"Hey, the table out there needs 24 waters, " you yelled out to the workers in the kitchen, and instantly were met with 24 waters 12 on each tray. Carrying them out like a pure waitress you brought all of the waters to the tables, before spreading them out.

"So have we decided what you will be eating tonight?" You asked, just wanting to get the whole ordeal over with, these people seemed... off, you just couldn't place your finger on it.

"Ahh yes well all be having the same thing, just the chicken parmigiana over flour noodles, that's all, so what's your full name?" A man with tattoos covering his arms spoke, it was odd that his tone softened when he spoke to you or his "little sister"

"Ahh yes well all be having the same thing, just the chicken parmigiana over flour noodles, that's all, so what's your full name?" A man with tattoos covering his arms spoke, it was odd that his tone softened when he spoke to you or his "little si...

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"Yes that will be right up and out for you, and again I'm afraid I won't be revealing any personal information."

You went back into the kitchen and ordered the food, then brought it out to the family, and attempted to walk away, before the man from earlier grabbed your arm. Causing you to wince due to the lash marks and small cuts along the downside and upside of your arms. This lead a face of shock to be brought on the mans face, and for you to yank your hands out of his hold(with another wince)and run out of the diner, not even checking for any tips.

—————————-different placement————

"Did you see that dad? Her arms were all beat up, and she was limping too! Her legs were all covered in cuts and bruises and also she had a few on her face that were poorly covered with makeup, it's clear she's getting hurt by someone, who would even try and hurt a cute little button like her though? They must be insane!" The tattooed man ranted to his father, while others at the table listened, also wanting to save the cute little one they would soon call a new family member.

"Yes son I had figured that out already, you scared her away when you grabbed her! Guess we'll just have to try and find her the hard way now, damn she didn't answer any of our questions, I can't have my daughter roaming around in this world, all alone too!" He whisper yelled at his family, grabbing the attention of a few other customers, but getting them uninterested in a moment.

"Yes son I had figured that out already, you scared her away when you grabbed her! Guess we'll just have to try and find her the hard way now, damn she didn't answer any of our questions, I can't have my daughter roaming around in this world, all ...

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"Don't worry honey we will find her."


First chappttterrrrrer!!!

Also happy New Years, hope 2021 is better than 2020.

Lastly all art I use is not mine I find it on Pinterest.

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