Chapter 23- paralisis

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Should I do a chapter on showering? Cause I was thinking about it and I didn't really know how that would work

TW- gaslighting

Any positive emotion was wiped off of aces face at the words that had just ome out of your mouth, he snapped his neck down towards your frame, tightening his arms around you, and kicking off the two-year-old attached to his leg. It isnt like they had been bad to you was it? In fact this could be considered multiple steps up from your old home. Did you really want to leave hi- them? Why? Was it something they did? No, no, you were just scared of the needles, that's all.

"That is not true, please do not let emotions guide what you say." he bluntly stated, staring down at you, he just had to diffuse the idea before you let it progress into action, he dreamed of being able to comfort a little sister for so long. But now that it was actually happening, it was much harder to figure out what to do, human emotion was a troubling subject for ace... especially when his words could make you feel worse, he didn't want that.

"..." you said nothing to him, you meant what you said, and you weren't planning to let this stranger who calls himself your brother change your words for you. This just... wasnt fair, it never was. These people easily could overpower you, you were just helpless, there was absolutely nothing you could do to them to let you go. It was clear they were rich so attempts at bribong them woudnt work, and either way, all money you had was set for running away, that was your only chance of survival after... whatever this was,

"Mama? Are you okay?" the little boy questioned you, looking up into ace's arms, wondering why you looked so angry, or scared. He really didn't understand which one, everything was confusing right now, for you, and for b/n he always saw the world through a smudged window, you always kept the bad things fom becoming worse around him, that was a fact that he was unaware of.

You always looked so happy around him, even if someone was beating you, or yelling at you, even if you had blood running down your face, you always shoved a smile on your face, just for b/n... soone enough th smile became easy to show, b/n thought this was normal, so why did you look so unhappy?

"I want you to listen for a moment, please? No one else is going to love you but us, the last thing we all want for you is too leave us and find the world out there is against you. Thats why we want you here with us, I know that it is hard to believe, I truly do, but I just want you to know, we are doing this to help you" he continued on and on, he had stated the same thing before, along with a few others in this... wonderful family, but it never sunk into your head, not really until now. These people, not only thought they were hping you by keeping you here (against your fucking will if i may add). But they also think there isnt anything away from them that cares about you?! Oh shit... thats kinda true... wait, were not getting manipulated no no

"T-that isnt true, s-sstop it." you attempted to stop the man with is somewhat degrading words, to no avail though, as the disorientation, and stress of the situaton weighed down on you like an anvil being dropped on your shoulders, this mans hands felt a million times colder, like pure ice. At this point you scared yourself more with the inability to move, apparently when a somewhat weak body overexausts itself, it just ragdolls and goes completely limp, example of whats happening here.

"Ohhhhh, darling you should have told me you were that tired, i would have hurried a little more so you could have slept sooner, i can take you and the boy to your room, is that aright? Well then, let us be off." Ace spoke to your parayzed form, he sent a small glance to b/n, he acted as if you had replied to his question, even though you were in some sleep-paralysis state at the moment.

Sooner or later the three of you arrived at your designated room, where ace then put you on the mattress and tucked you under the multiple blankets that were totally going to mke you boiling hot later. Along with b/n who he placed next to you after giving him a discreet scowl, The incredibly tall man then went on to sit down next to your bed and stare at you until you fell asleep. You of course, did, snuggling with your brother, and falling into the rabbit hole of unconsciousness... whippee

------------------------time skip-------------------------------------------------------------

When you woke up, your head felt like death, and your limbs (yet again) felt like lead, now that whatever drug your "uncle" used on you was out of your system, your head was pretty much cleared of all panic, and you could think much straighter now. You sat up slowly, trying not to wake up the sleeping boy, and looked around the room for a moment, no one else was in here, other than b/n of course.

Ideas swished in and out of your head, even if you were drunk or high or something at the moment, you made it a point to get out and that was going to stick with you until it has been achieved. It hadn't exactly clicked into your head that you could die here, you could say something, or do something, and they could very much kill you... or even worse b/n. You knew so many people who were deceitful and hypocritical, these people were probably just psychotic murderers who would let hope burn in a victim, then crush it.

Although... they did seem genuine, with the whole caring for you thing, and they acted mainly on your needs, and- hold on, what the hell are you doing sitting in a bed having an internal monologue when you could be up and out that door with b/n, this was probably one of the rare times that you were left alone, you knew that you couldn't run, the maze of hallways and doors proved that enough, but you could walk around and find possible escape routes for later... just incase.

You picked the boy up while he slept, and stealthily (somewhat) went out into the hallway, turning down a few coridoors and finding the same thing. Over and over and over and over and over and over and- you get the point. You had realized you were completely lost at this point, and that the "wander around and wing it" tactic was not the best idea.

Eventually you slowed to a stop and decided that if you kept going, you were going to get more lost. And so here you are now, holding b/n in your arms, admiring the beautiful family's photos, and hoping to god that one of the members would come help you soon. It was an undeniable fact that the family was attractive, individually and as a whole, they are what looks like a "perfect family"... heh

Now that you look a little deeper into the photos, you could see a familiar face, always next to your uncle, a women standing with dark hair and fair skin, looking very similar to the only friend you ever had.

A young Ms. Kim was standing with the family in these photos,

W h a t T h e F u c k


And I oop

Okey dokie artichoke, did ya like that chapter? I didn't, in fact I quite hate it and I'm gonna edit it tommorow (probably) so if your seeing this, it might get take. Down and remastered.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I don't do grammar check because I'm qUirKy

Anywho, question for the day, do you like strawberries? I don't know why but I had the biggest debate on this with my brother today

-have a fantastic day, byyyyyyee


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