Chapter 29 ~ Field Trip to the Royal Library (1)

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The carriage was shaking.

This carriage was the property of the Magus household. In addition to the luxurious, yet also classy, refined, and functional interior, it was also enchanted thoroughly with various defensive, as well as, various other enchantments which would enhance the travelling experience of the nobles riding it.

It could withstand an attack from an intermediate ranked spell and even protect the passenger inside from a high ranked spell attack, while at the same time, control the temperature within the carriage and ventilate it.

And that's only a few of the many features this luxurious carriage has that Lawliela-sama told me. Apparently, my house's carriage also has similar features.

No wonder I never feel uncomfortable whenever I ride the carriage...

I thought it was only because of the soft cushions that didn't hurt her butt no matter how long she's sitting.

I'm currently riding in the Magus household's carriage along with Lawliela-sama and Valerie.

It was the day for my magic lessons, but instead of learning magic theories or practicing casting spells, Lawliela-sama will be bringing Valerie and I to the Royal Library.

Yes... We're casually going to the ROYAL library as if it was a public library...

I'm not entirely sure, but I've heard that you'd need to get plenty of permissions from various high-ranked officials in order to visit the royal library. Even high ranking nobles wouldn't be able to get into the Royal Library that easily. Only people like my dad, other high ranking officials working in the castle, or the castle's magic researchers and scholars could go there without having to go through as much of a pain.

But apparently, Lawliela-sama only need to say the word and we're off to the Royal Library with her...

Hah... I know I shouldn't be surprised but... I still can't believe I could go to the Royal Library so casually. After all, it's a place containing plenty of official and confidential documents as well as magic tomes that are not allowed to be released into the public. It's a super high security place full of information about the kingdom!

And I'm now going on there for a field trip...


"What's wrong, Risa-chan~?"

Valerie looked up to me and tilted her head to the side as she rested her head on my lap.

So cute~

"I'm fine, Valerie-chan~ You don't have to worry~"


She began snuggling and hugging my waist.

Ah~ She's so adorable~ She loves being pampered so much~

Ufufufu~ Don't worry, I'll pamper you lots~!

I stroke her head gently and I could just hear a metaphorical purr from her as she nuzzled back to my hand.

As I was playing with Valeri-chan, Lawliela-sama suddenly started speaking to me.

"Alterisa-kun. I've heard about your new familiar from Lisa."


Wait a minute... W-Wasn't that supposed to be a secret?! Isn't Fubuki supposed to be an ultra rare spirit?!

That is why I didn't bring her along with me now! I also have her stay in my room whenever I'm doing my lessons!

"There is no need to worry. I will not say a word about the Celestial Fox you made to be your familiar. After all, it would cause a massive uproar if this fact erupted before Altair-kun's preparations were completed."

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