Chapter 98 ~ First Day of School

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The time has come... The first day of school...

Ah... I'm getting super nervous...

Anne, Maria-chan, and Iris left after they accompanied me to my class. And on the way, I'm super vigilant of the heroine, looking left and right to avoid meeting her. The worst thing that could happen was to see her the first thing in the morning...

Fortunately, I didn't meet her, which was quite surprising... The "Heroine" was supposed to be a super honor student who'd arrived early in the morning. That's why I came slightly later than I would have. It's only half an hour till classes start and the heroine would usually arrive in the classroom a full hour before.

Upon arriving, I was greeted by a super massive and luxurious classroom. The high ceilings and the surrounding walls were predominantly white with golden decorations as highlights. The numerous chandeliers which hung from the ceilings were made of precious stones of all colors of the rainbow that emitted a fantastic dreamlike radiance.

There were four rows and six columns of desks in each class, amounting to 24 desks, one for each student. It was a beautiful, mahogany, polished, wooden desk with a decorated and cushioned chair. It was a luxury as expected of the royal academy that nurtured the future pillars of the kingdom.

Every classroom was the same and every student enrolled in the academy would be able to enjoy all of its facility and comfort. The classes were also not divided into those of noble and common birth. The children of nobility and children of common backgrounds would be put into the same class, be taught by the same teachers, and receive the same treatment from the academy.

The royal academy wished that the children of nobility would learn to treat those of common birth with respect and see them as fellow citizens of the kingdom, not as something low to step upon. History had proven that nobles who considered commoners, the citizens of their kingdom, as nothing more than farm animals would eventually lead their kingdom to ruin. If they were the brain of the kingdom, then the citizens would be the blood that carries life all throughout the kingdom.

Moreover, by letting them be in the same class, the children of nobility would also be able to find talents from those of common birth that they wouldn't have been able to otherwise and possibly make them into their subordinates. There have been plenty of such cases where a noble would find a talented commoner during their stay in the academy, and many had found success in such a relationship. Some commoners even managed to gain nobility from their achievements.

It was a win-win relationship, and after seeing such results, the nobility began supporting the royal academy's vision tremendously, and many commoners have made a name for themselves since the royal academy founding.

It was a revolutionary vision that pushed the kingdom to new heights.

Yes... I understand that. I know from first hand experience that a commoner could become someone amazing. Anne, Maria-chan, Iris, and Vincent were all living proof of that notion.

And I don't mind sharing a class with commoners. Honestly, since I'm just a regular person in my previous life, there's no distinction between a commoner and a noble for me. If you're nice, then I'll befriend you. If you're sus, I won't befriend you. It doesn't matter if you're a commoner or a noble.

There's just... one person I don't want to share a class with...

It's the person I've been trying to avoid all this time...

Aria... The "Heroine" of the otome game "Lovely Happenings"... I seriously don't want to be in the same class as her.

After all, if I were, we're going to see each other a lot! That means more chances for her to screw with me!!!

The Tomboy "Prince" Was Reincarnated as a Villainess in an Otome Game!Where stories live. Discover now