What's He Doing Here?

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     Shea drove around Simon's house a few times to be sure he was certain this was the right thing to do. A school night was probably not the best time to get Simon if he wanted the other boy to not be busy, but it was hopefully going to be a good time to avoid seeing Liam. There was a car Shea didn't recognize parked in the driveway and as far as he knew Simon didn't drive. After almost an hour of waiting Shea gathered his courage, and knocked on the small front door of the little model home. 

     "Hi Simon. Look I know I've been a bit.. but I really think we need to talk." Simon opened the door with a confused look on his face. Shea walked quickly from the front porch into the small living room, and noticed Asher sitting on the couch with an expression of distaste on his face. "What's he doing here?"

     "Maybe we should talk outside." Simon said quickly, turning Shea around by the shoulder and lightly pushing him out the door. "What's up?"

     "What's Asher doing here?" Shea asked again with more force. 

     "He's going through a hard time." Simon shrugged.

     "No he isn't. He's just trying to get close to you." Shea's voice rose slightly. 

     "How could you possibly know that?"

     "He's a weasel. He'd do anything to get closer to you. That's why he got me kicked off the team."

    "Stop it Shea-" Simon began, but Shea interrupted him. 

    "I thought I said you couldn't talk to him anymore if we were going to-"

     "You said a lot of things." Simon shot back. "You also said I was the fake-est person you'd ever met and that you never wanted to see me again."

     "That's.. I didn't mean that.. Look Simon, I was upset and-"

     "Shea.." Simon began.

    "No Simon. I need to say this. I thought that you got me kicked off the football team, but it turned out it was actually Garrett, and I said a lot of awful things, and I'm so fucking mad at myself that I did that, and that I came over here. I didn't mean anything I said, not a word. I... I .. I don't hate you.. I could never hate you and.." Shea rambled, running a hand through his shaggy black hair.

     "I don't care what you said." Simon said in the same emotionless tone.

     "So you forgive me?" Shea pleaded.

     "No Shea. No I don't." Simon sighed. "I don't care what you said, I don't care what you did. We've all done bad things when we were upset. I care that you believed I sold you out like that to Asher. I care that you had no faith in me." Simon paused to catch his breath. "I care that you chose not to believe me when I told you that I didn't do it." 

     "Simon... no." Shea whined, and stepped closer on the porch, but Simon took a step back.

    "I'm not saying I won't forgive you...I just need some time. You said you thought I was just playing with you the whole time.. and if you could believe that then...." Simon trailed off.

     "So you're just going to go back in there with him." Shea spat the last word as if it burned his mouth.

     "This isn't about him. This is about me and you." Simon stated calmly.

    "You're right. This is about us." Shea repeated, then in two quick strides closed the distance between him and Simon, and pulled the shorter boy into a deep kiss. Shea loved kissing Simon. He could feel it in his knees, and it was one of his most favorite feelings in the world. When he pulled away Simon's eyes were wide with shock. "If you need time, that's fine. I can wait. And you're right; I can't make you stay away from Asher. But I can make you remember that at the end of the day it's you and me, not you and him. It'll always be you and me, when everything is said and done, Simon."

      With that left to hang in the air, Shea turned around and got into his car. Simon stood frozen as Shea drove off into the night, the chill of the air nipping at his neck. Simon watched the tail lights disappear into the night, then turned and bolted back into the house, past Asher, up the the stairs, and locked himself in his room. Simon pressed his back against the wall, his chest rising and falling in a record breaking speed, and let his back slide down the door until he was sitting a the base. Simon pressed his head into his hands and wiped at his lips furiously. He balled up his fists in his hair and tucked his head between his legs, hating himself. Shea had been bold to kiss him, with Asher so close by, and Simon wasn't ready to be bold.

     "Simon?" Asher's voice called from outside the door, smooth as butter. "Are you alright?" Asher jiggled the doorknob.

     "Go home." Simon pulled furiously at his hair, wanting nothing more than to be left alone.

    "Simon. You don't sound alright." 

    "I'm fine. Please leave." Simon repeated, trying to steady his heaving breathing.

    "Simon?" Asher pushed through the door, and saw Simon with puffy red eyes sitting on the floor. "Oh Simon." Asher knelt down swiftly, and wrapped Simon in his arms. Simon couldn't help but think of how similar to when Liam would attempt to comfort him. "What happened?"

     "Nothing." Simon lied. 

    "Okay. Nothing happened then." Asher remained still. Simon was between the taller boy's arms, which wrapped tightly around him, blocking out the anger Simon felt. He wasn't even sure why he'd been angry. In truth he did like Shea, but Shea kissing him like that out of nowhere was too much. Far too much for Simon to handle, especially after a nasty fight. The two boys remained in their position until Simon's breathing settled.

      Asher had never had a panic attack of his own but his mother had her fair share of them, and Asher had grown accustomed to comforting, despite the fact that the pair never particularly got on. For the most part a person in that condition couldn't really talk about what happened without getting upset, so Asher knew not to insist on knowing what was wrong. All Asher knew was that Shea had done something to upset Simon, which made him feel better about chasing Shea away in the first place. Shea was forceful, and acted without thinking. He went to far, and didn't wait for Simon be ready. Asher knew that Shea was bad, but he also knew that he infinitely worse. Asher acted without thinking as well, but he always regretted his actions after doing them, not just the outcome they caused. Still Asher was sure he was capable of far worse than Shea, but Simon needed someone, and Shea was not there. 

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