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(A//N) Shout out to @Sakissadwoll for having the first comment last chapter!

     "So what's this movie about that your so excited about?" Simon asked, sitting on the other side of couch. Asher ached to have the boy sit just a little bit closer. 

     "Just some comedy I heard about." Asher fiddled with the remote, trying to get the TV to work. In truth he didn't have any desire to watch the movie he'd picked, he'd just wanted to spend the day with Simon. The boy had told him that he'd never see Asher as anything more than a friend, and Asher was determined to change that. Asher had come to truly love Simon over the course of the year, and if spending some time in the friend zone was what it took, he was sure he could make due. He'd just have to make sure he was edging himself ever closer to the more romantic side of their relationship. "I think you'll like it.. there's a bakery, and some other stuff in it."

     "Oh. You don't so excited about it anymore." Simon's brows furrowed.

    "Mostly I just thought you would like it." Asher smiled sweetly. "I'm more into action movies, but I figured that might not be your type." Asher shrugged. Eventually he wanted to watch a horror movie with the other boy, so he could see Simon frightened and clutching cutely onto his shoulder. "It's starting!" Asher shushed and leaned back onto the couch. He had chosen to close most of the gap between the pair, though he didn't press up against Simon as he wanted to because he knew the boy would often get uncomfortable with signs of affection. 

     The movie dragged on, and it wound up being more of a dramedy, and Asher was developing a bit of a distaste for it, but he kept on watching in spite of that. Simon seemed to be enjoying himself, and as far as Asher was concerned that was all that really mattered. 

     "Simon?" Asher whispered, but the boy didn't hear him. "Simon?" He repeated, and the boy turned to face him. His eyes sparkled in the light of the television, and his lips were parted slightly. "Do you.. do you mind if I lay my head on yours, I'm uncomfortable." Simon's eyes searched Asher's eyes, and then he nodded in the dark. Asher leaned his head over, and set it atop Simon's closing the gap between them. Simon felt eerily similar to how he had with Shea when he'd watched a movie with Shea. Shea had insisted that was just how friends acted, and perfectly normal, despite Simon's protests, but Asher had asked before moving ahead.

     Asher was more comfortable and uncomfortable than he had ever been before in his life, as he sat next to Simon. Somehow the boy had a talent for flustering him. Asher was sure Simon knew this was not how friends sat together, nor was it how friends behaved. Asher assumed Simon must know this was sending him incredibly mixed singles. He couldn't imagine there was any other way Simon could be interpreting his actions.

     "You should get going before Liam gets back..." Simon stated reluctantly.

     "Uh.. Yeah sure." Asher stood from the couch. "I'll see you tomorrow at school." Asher nodded and walked from the house. Simon was a strange one, he thought. He seemed to have nearly everyone under his thumb, without the slightest bit of knowledge in regards to that fact. Asher found himself driving up and down the streets, desperately not wanting to go back to his home. The street lights of the night lit up orbs of lights, that penetrated the darkness, with dust floating lazily through the air. 

     A few moments later Asher found himself standing in the middle of the football field with a ball in his hand. He wasn't sure how he had gotten in, or where he'd come from, but being around football made him angry. He found himself wishing that Shea had never existed, and he chucked the ball as far as he could and through the goal post. A shot like that would usually have made him happy, but Asher just collapsed to the ground in a pit of fury. His skills were taunting him, he was good at football, but he couldn't show it. Coach was sure to replace him with someone like Garrett or Davey in the long run. Asher let the grass tickle at the back of his neck and stayed on the ground. He felt paralyzed, as if he truly couldn't get up, even if he'd wanted to; which he didn't. 

    Asher found himself rolling off into a deep pained sleep. 

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