10. In your dreams

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The four of us made our way to the classroom designated to our school where the rest of our schoolmates had already gathered. It looked as though all the desks had been removed from the room, leaving only chairs for us to sit on. Mr Wilson beelined towards us, clipboard in hand, the moment he saw us come in. "You four were almost late."

I grinned. "Almost but not quite."

Before Mr Wilson could reply, June plastered a smile onto her face. "So sorry, we got caught up at the netball court. It won't happen again."

"Make sure it doesn't." He looked down at his clipboard. "Have any of you seen Harry?"

We shook our heads. Mr Wilson frowned and walked out the room. I caught Jack playfully shaking his head at me from the other side of the room so I pulled a face at him.

"I kinda feel sorry for Harry," Ruben said. "Mr Wilson really has it out for him."

"I wouldn't want to be in his shoes," Noah replied, sitting down on one of the chairs at the edge of the room. "No wonder he hasn't shown his face, I'd be hiding too."

"Yeah," June agreed.

"It's nice to see everybody together again," Miss Martin, one of our school's geography teachers, began. Quickly the rest of us sat down and turned our attention to her and Mrs Johnson at the front of the room.

"I feel like I haven't seen most of you since yesterday." She laughed. "I hope you've all been having a good time and representing our school well. I know the geography students have."

Mrs Johnson took over. "This classroom is ours for the next two weeks so feel free to use it whenever you wish. Right now we're here to check in with you all, as well as inform you of activities going on."

"Activities are some of the best ways to gain extra school points," Miss Martin continued. "Currently we're in second, so participation in these random activities is essential."

A hand flew up.


"What are the extra activities?"

I whispered to Noah, "With this school I'm expecting either quidditch or ballroom dancing. Nothing in between."

Noah chuckled quietly. "Or something super boring such as who can clean the blackboards the quickest."

Miss Martin smiled. "Glad to see the enthusiasm. Right here I have the entire schedule which shall be stuck up on the wall of this classroom until the end of the championship. To participate in most activities you just need to show up at the right time and place."

"Exciting," said June.

"There are a few activities however that are off the school grounds meaning that you will have to sign up for them. There are others which require more organising, such as capture the flag, which I must mention is compulsory for all."

The classroom burst into hushed whispers while Ruben groaned beside me. "I've heard we camp the night before. Camping just brings back traumatic family holidays in France."

I nodded. "Jack said that too. It'll be great."

"Today is Monday." Mrs Johnson looked down at the schedule. "Until and including Friday most of the activities will just be the regular subjects, though make sure to check out the scavenger hunt on Wednesday afternoon."

"Any other questions?" Miss Martin asked. "No? Okay, I think that's all we had to say." People began getting up and she raised her voice. "Remember our boys hockey team is playing Beckfall High tomorrow so go support them if you're available. If you need any of us teachers, we will check this classroom frequently."

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