12. Always use protection

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"New rule. No pranking during chemistry." Griffin sat down next to me at our chemistry table, the rest of the class still filing in.

I groaned. "Morning to you too."

"Good morning princess." He got out a pen. "I'm taking it, you agree?"

I nodded and mumbled some indistinguishable words.

He chuckled. "My, my, you are a woman of many words this morning." He looked me up and down. "Stay up studying?"

I ignored him.

It had taken longer than we'd planned to prepare the second phase of our prank last night. We'd made it back to our dorms in the early hours of the morning and my body had decided that it wouldn't be properly awake for another few hours. I yawned. The prank was worth the loss of sleep.

Griffin laughed. "I'm going to take that as a yes." 

I glanced over at him, finally taking in his appearance. He looked great as always, not a sign of toothpaste on his dark red hoodie, nor dark bags under his striking blue eyes. Both of which I knew I was rocking this morning.

Griffin started doodling on a scrap piece of paper. "I noticed the statue was still wearing her new item of clothing when I walked past earlier." His eyes sparked, a subtle challenge gleaming in them.

I smiled for the first time, ignoring his bait. "She managed to pull it off quite nicely."

His voice dropped. "But I'm sure you look far better in it."

The classroom door opened and Mrs Miller walked in, silencing the class. "Good morning everyone."

I inwardly thanked her for saving me from having to respond to Griffin.

Mrs Miller walked over to her desk and picked up a stack of papers. "You will have two hours to complete the test." She began handing them out. "The rules are of course, no talking, no using your phones and so on. By now you should know the rest of them."

She was right, I definitely did. After hearing them over and over again throughout the last few years there was no way I'd forgotten them. I scribbled my name at the top of my paper and watched Mrs Miller finish handing out the papers. 

"Can we start?" someone asked. 

"In about thirty seconds." Mrs Miller glanced at the clock on the wall, waiting for the second hand to reach the top.

Griffin turned to look at me, a cocky smirk on his face. "Good luck princess."

I rolled my eyes. "My name is Rory."

"Sleeping Beauty." 

Mrs Miller sat down at her desk. "And... You may begin."

I turned over my paper and plunged myself into the first question on equilibrium, trying to ignore the presences of Griffin beside me. 


"Pens down." Mrs Miller began walking round the classroom collecting papers. "Great work guys, you'll get the results tomorrow. Have a good rest of your day."

I handed her mine and promptly collapsed my head onto the desk. "I'm officially diene."

Griffin laughed then elbowed my arm. "Keep triene princess, the competition isn't over yet. I thought you'd at least be a slight challenge."

I inwardly smiled. There was no way I'd let him see that I found his pun funny. "I will beat you Carter. You'll have the competition you want."

He stood up and slung his back pack over his shoulder. "I'm about to beat your school in hockey."

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