Wattpad Original

Chapter 40

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A flurry of small wings and bird chirps woke me from my morning nap. I frowned up at the tree branches and shook my head. At least I got an hour's worth of sleep in.

I had slept for a couple of hours yesterday evening, but I was really beginning to wish I could sleep at night. I stood up and brushed my pants clean of the leaf litter from where I had been sitting against the base of a tree.

My companions were likely awake by now, so I stretched and headed back to the gas station.

As I got closer, I heard Nicky and Nina discussing the options for breakfast.

"I really don't feel like porridge this morning," Nicky said. "What else is in there?"

The two women dug through the large bag as they assessed their options.

"Peanut butter," Nicky muttered, "but no bread."

"We have pancake mix, but no eggs or powdered milk left to make them," Nina said. "We'll have to ask the next Stronghold if they'll part with some supplies."

"I'll have to supervise Daniel the next time he packs the truck," Nicky groaned. "No wonder he says his cooking is subpar – he never has all the ingredients!"

Daniel frowned but didn't comment. I noticed most of the small scratches on his arms had already healed from yesterday's demolition derby with the cabin's walls. The remains of the larger ones would be gone by tonight. Had he known how to properly doctor them, they would have disappeared by now.

Nicky continued pulling things out of the bag and putting them to the side. She grabbed several containers with spices and was about to put them down, then paused and peered at them more closely.

She looked around and spotted me approaching. "Trinity, what are the odds of you catching a pheasant or two on short notice? We need some breakfast, and we have all the spices we need for roasting a bird."

As much as I'd like to volunteer the songbird that woke me up from my nap, even my nose wouldn't be able to pick out one bird from among hundreds in this forest.

"Would a chicken work? I saw a small flock last night. It should only take me a few minutes to get there and back."

"How much trouble would I be in if I pointed imperiously and ordered 'fetch'?" Nicky asked with a grin.

I growled lowly in warning. "Heaps. And I wouldn't be bringing back a chicken either. Possibly a big stick to beat you with though."

She chuckled and shook her head. "Good thing I'm not that dumb then. Can you bring me a chicken? Pretty please?" she asked, attempting to give me big puppy dog eyes.

I sighed and turned around to head back into the forest. "Fine. I'll go track down a chicken."

If I didn't go, I'd never hear the end of it, and she'd probably be a pain in my butt the rest of the day. If I brought her a chicken, she would stuff herself full of food and probably be fairly mellow. The choice was logical.

Just before I reached the trees, Nicky called out, "Please clean it!"

I snorted and disappeared into the forest without answering. I checked the air, but unless I was mistaken, the birds hadn't wandered too far from where I had seen them earlier.

When I reached the area, I slowed down and followed my nose. It wasn't long before quiet clucking guided me directly to them. I peered through the foliage as I debated which bird in the clearing would be the best target.

This flock had been wild for some time, and the birds were smart enough to remain on alert and not wander too close to the trees. Unfortunately for them, I knew chickens weren't very good fliers. Unlike the songbirds, none of these feathery fowl would be able to fly far without tiring. And perching in a tree wasn't going to stop me.

The Virus Within: Third Wave (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang