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Chapter 54

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We started packing in the dim pre-dawn light. My instincts hadn't even started subsiding yet, which meant it was far too freaking early to be preparing for another long ride. It also meant I wouldn't get my usual morning nap in.

"Why are we packing this early?" I muttered as I rearranged the supplies in the back of the truck to prevent anyone from sitting near my spot.

"Because it's a very long drive to the next Stronghold," Daniel replied. "If we want to arrive before sundown, we won't even be able to stop long for breaks."

"What's wrong with camping at a gas station or something?"

"According to our hosts, bandits burned down almost every building along this highway. There isn't any secure place to camp."

This was not how I wanted to spend the first day with four people in the back of the truck.

John stood nearby, not at all bothered by the early hour. "As soon as the sun rises, they're going to release a pigeon for the Stronghold we're going to, so they'll be expecting us."

"That should make things easier when we arrive," Nina said as she put her small backpack in the front seat. She glanced at the fence. "I kind of wish I knew how the people we treated are doing."

"I talked with one of the guards on my way over here," John said. "No one in the trailers by the fence turned, so they're all fine. A few people went to visit the ones down the road before nightfall. The ones who had both injections had a bit of a headache, although their sneezes were already slowing down."

"A headache? Now that I think about it, I administered both drugs to two people a couple of weeks ago, and they also mentioned they had a headache. It could be a side effect or an interaction. We'll be driving by those trailers, and if anyone is outside and awake, I wouldn't mind stopping for a few minutes to see how they're doing."

"Easy enough," Daniel replied.

"Is that everything?" Nina asked, glancing back at us as she held the truck door open with one hand, ready to get in. When no one said anything, she continued, "I think we're ready to go then. Sorry about the early departure."

"No worries," John immediately replied, climbing over the tailgate of the truck. "The early bird gets the worm."

Nicky made a face. "The early bird can have the worm because worms are gross, and mornings are the worst time of day. I think I'll take a nap instead."

Nicky promptly sprawled across the middle of the mattress like an imitation of the Great Barrier Reef, forcing John and Logan to sit against the tailgate. I sat in my usual corner with the buffering space of several bags of supplies.

The guards opened the gates as we approached, squinting at the super-bright headlights that lit up everything in front of us.

As we drove out, John commented to Logan, "I'm kind of surprised so many people are traveling as one group to hand out the cure. Wouldn't it make more sense to split into two groups?"

Logan shrugged. "Possibly, but I'm just catching a ride to Ironwind as well."

"May I ask which Stronghold you came from?"

"I spent most of my time at Drayton Stronghold until it got overrun. Then I spent the last week at Luxter Stronghold."

John nodded and turned his intrigued gaze to the redhead who was turning a spare sweater into a pillow. "Can I ask if you're from Ironwind or just traveling between places?"

"Oh, I came from Ironwind. They brought me along to bring color to their wardrobes and to keep them on their toes."

John blinked slowly, not entirely sure how to reply. Logan didn't look any wiser despite having an extra day to gain wisdom.

The Virus Within: Third Wave (Book 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu