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A knock wakes you up. There's still that deep pressure on your temple like someone's digging into it. You squeeze your eyes shut, frowning at the sound of it. Marching to the door, you grab a gun before looking through the peephole. There's no way.

"God, Bobby," you unlock and swing open the door, turning away to set the gun down on the table, "How did you find me? I told you-"

You stop. The sight makes your breath catch in your throat. Dean. Dean standing next to Bobby and Sam. He's looking at you, a smile on his face, his hands by his side. It's Dean.

"Missed me?" He quips, giving you a slight shrug. Your eyes dart to your weapon bag. Sam, Bobby, and Dean notices it, but they're too slow. Grabbing Ruby's knife, you aim it at the three of them. Dean lets out a short breath, stepping back a bit. Sam raises his hands immediately, watching you closely. Bobby just shakes his head at you, anticipating your moves.

"What the hell are you?!" You shout at Dean, feeling your heart pick up the pace, preparing for a fight - like any other hunt.

"Woah, Woah, easy!" He frowns, exhaustion written on his face, "It's me."

"No," you shake your head, pointing the knife at him, "Dean Winchester died. I watched him die with my own eyes."

Deans face falls, you notice the pitiful expression on his face. You feel as though you could cry. "Y/N put it down," Bobby tells you, taking a step towards you. When you tear your eyes away from Dean, you see Bobby's expression.

"You really think that's Dean?" You ask, incredulously. Bobby and Sam share a look. Dean walks past them gently, you inch backwards, hand still raised. "Don't come near me."

"It's me, doll," he smiles at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling as a tender smile appears on his face, "Y/N-"

"Stay right there!" You shout at him, unable to meet his gaze again as you keep the knife raised, "Don't move."

"Okay, alright," Bobby speaks up, standing beside Dean, "you need to listen to us, okay? We've been through all the tests already. All of them. Twice."

"It's really him," Sam nods, smiling too, "trust me, I couldn't believe it either."


God, Dean's voice. You've missed it more than anything and you can hardly bear hearing it now. You squeeze your eyes shut at the sound of it.

"Stop talking." You order Dean, looking to Sam with tears starting to well up in your eyes, "How did you do it? How did you get them to make a deal with you?"

"What?" Sam shakes his head, "This wasn't me, Y/N."

"Bullshit! I know what you were doing, Sam. I know all the crossroads you visited, I visited them too. You just beat me to it, didn't you?" You narrow your eyes at him, looking between him and Dean, "How?" Sam says nothing. "How?!"

"It wasn't him," Dean tells you truthfully, "honest to God, we were thinking it was you."

"You have to believe me, Y/N," Sam admits to you.

You shake your head at him, looking down, "No, it wasn't me. I-I tried, though. I really tried, but..."

"No demon would make a deal?" Sam finishes your sentence, you give him a nod.

"Then who was it?" You ask curiously. Who else could have done this?

"We don't know," Dean admits, "but we'll find out."

"How... how did you get here?" You ask him, unable to look at him.

"I woke up underground," he begins, taking in a deep breath, "I was in my grave, middle of nowhere, and I had to jack a car and drive to Bobby's. I don't know much else."

THE ELEVENTH HOUR [Castiel x F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now