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Sam stumbles to the pool table again, drunk off his face, trying to widen his eyes as he aims the cue against a coloured ball.

"Brian, come on, man, just one more. Just give me a chance to win it back," Sam slurs heavily. You hide a smirk.

The stranger shrugs, smirking at Sam, "It's your cash."

Dean walks up to him, trying to pull Sam from the game, "Excuse me. My brother's a little sauced to be making bets."

"He insisted." The stranger states.

"Yeah, but you've already taken, what, two bills off him?" Dean points out, "I'm just saying."

"Hey, shut up, Dean. I'm fine." Sam frowns, pushing him away. You watch on from the bars couch, seeing Dean insist.

"No, you're not fine. You're drunk!" He exclaims.

"Let's make it five hundred." Sam ignores his brother.

"Five hundred?" Dean widens his eyes in horror.

The stranger agrees - of course - and watches with joy as Sam puts the money on the table. "Five hundred. Your break." He states.

While the man is looking down at the cash, Sam raises his eyebrows at his brother, all his drunkenness gone. Dean raises his eyebrows back at Sam. You shake your head at the two, but there's a content smirk on your face. Sam lines his cue, about to break but he stops.

"Keep the money," he mumbles, distractedly.

Dean watches him leave incredulously, "Keep the money? What?"

You rise to your feet, making eye contact with Dean before you both follow Sam. He approaches a dark-haired girl at the bar. You recognise her. Ruby.

"Well, you got a lot of nerve showing up anywhere near me," Dean notes, face deadpanned yet furious.

"I just have some info, and then I'm gone," she reassures him, looking back at Sam.

"Info about what?" You ask her, standing beside him, "Info about how you're alive?"

Ruby looks around for a moment, she looks a little frightened, "I'm hearing a few whispers."

"Whispers?" You repeat, looking at Dean with wide eyes, "Oh, no. Anything but whispers."

"Ooh, wow," Dean plays along, "demon whisperers, very reliable."

Ruby glares at the two of you, "Girl named Anna Milton escaped from a locked ward yesterday. The demons seem pretty keen on finding her. Apparently, some real heavy hitters turned out for the Easter egg hunt."

"Why? Who is she?" Sam asks curiously.

"No idea," Ruby responds honestly, "But I'm thinking that she's important, 'cause the order is to capture her alive. I just figured that whatever the deal is, you might want to find this girl before the demons do."

Sam looks at you and then Dean, "Look, maybe we should check it out."

"And head right towards a gaggle of demons?" You tilt your head, not convinced.

"We're busy working a case, but thanks," Dean responds curtly.

Ruby gives him a scowl, "What case?"

"Uh, we've got leads," Dean lies, obviously, "big leads."

"Sounds dangerous," Ruby sneers sarcastically.

"Yeah, well, it sure ain't goose-chasing after some chick who, for all we know, doesn't even exist, just because you say she's important," Dean responds.

THE ELEVENTH HOUR [Castiel x F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now