Chapter 2: Hera And The Golden Throne

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Hera was pregnant, and yet, she was stressed because of Zeus' continuous infidelity. But despite Zeus' disloyalty to her, Hera tried to focus all of her attention on her unborn child. 

To relieve her stress, she always imagined how beautiful her child will be if he comes out.

But Hera's expectations crumbled as soon as she saw the face of her baby. The baby was so ugly and deformed which made the Goddess shriek in disgust. 

Hera was so furious and threw the young Hephaestus out of Olympus, rejecting the imperfect existence of her son.

Hephaestus landed on the sea near the island of Lemnos where she was found by a Goddess named  Thetis. Thetis raised Hephaestus like her biological son and took him to the Island of Lemnos where he learned craftsmanship.

Soon, Hephaestus came back to Olympus along with a Golden Throne that was lavish enough to entice the Gods and Goddesses, especially the Queen and the mother who threw him, Hera.

But that Golden Throne was only a part of the scheme that he devised to take Revenge on his mother.

"What a beautiful throne, the exquisite design was both flashy and elegant. The details were also magnificent," Hera commented as she observe the throne. Her fiery eyes suddenly went to Hephaestus. 

"Are you certain that a deformed creature like you beautifully refined this majestic throne?" Hera asked. "Unbelievable."

 My eyes watched Hera as she appreciates the beauty of her son's gift.

"Your Deformed son personally created it that throne with both of my hands," Hephaestus replied with a steady and calm face. "This is the greatest masterpiece that I created suitable for the Queen."

Hera suddenly glanced in my direction. I suddenly felt a shiver in my bones when I felt her piercing gaze.

What is this feeling? It's ominous!

"What do you think about this, Little Nymph?" Hera suddenly asked me.

I, who was hiding from the crowd, was suddenly exposed when the Queen called for my name. I suddenly felt the gazes of the crowd which made me uncomfortable and pressured.

I don't want to get into this mess!

"Y-yes, my Queen?" I asked timidly as I played my hands.

"What do you think of this throne, does it suit me?" The Queen asked me a question. Her eyes glanced at me with pride and expectation.

I felt my body freeze as soon as I heard that question. I want to open my mouth to answer that question, but I am afraid that my answer will bring me to doom.

That Golden Throne...


Let me tell you about the outcome of this mythology if Hera sat on that Throne. Hera will be stuck sitting on that throne for eternity, and the only person who knows how to free the Goddess is the person who created the Golden Throne!

"I... How dare I to tell my own opinion?" I spoke after clearing my throat. "This lowly creature is not suitable to compliment such a majestic throne..."

"Asche, since when did you think like that?" Hera asked as she raised her brows. "Don't you always act bold whenever you are in my presence?"

"But that throne..." I mumbled as I pursed my lips. 

My body suddenly flinched when I noticed that the soon-to-be God Hephaestus glanced at me. His pair of majestic sapphire eyes that he got from his father feels like it is pressuring me.

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