Chapter 8: Speak Of The Impossible

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Mount Of Olympus

"Where are you going?" Hera asked as she glared at her husband, Zeus. The Goddess clenched her chained fist when her Husband ignored her. "You were going to Cytherea... Are you going to leave me alone?!"

"Not this again, Hera, just how many times will you going to nag me like this--"

"Not again? NOT AGAIN?!" Hera shouted aggressively. Her Golden eyes glowed as she scowled at her husband. Resentment was written on her face. "You were going to meet the new Goddess, and you're telling me that I am NAGGING YOU?"

"Hera, I am not going to do something with her!"

"Who are you trying to fool?" Hera asked in contempt. "Helios knows how many women you have taken to your bed, what is the probability that you're not going to do the same thing with that Goddess?"

"You are acting hysterically again, I have an important reason to attend there," Zeus explained as he turned his back on his Queen. "I am not merely meeting the newly born Goddess. I will be going to protect the peace in Olympus."

Hera gritted her teeth as she watched her Husband's back.

"It doesn't change the fact that you are going to leave me," Hera mumbled in a low, cold voice. Her eyes fell to her lap refusing to watch her husband leave her. "Is that war more important than me?"

Zeus paused when he heard that from his wife. 

"Of course, you are more importan---"

"Liar," Hera told him with emphasis. Hera raised her head as she stared at her husband's orbs. "How many times have you lied to me? I can't count it on my fingers anymore. If I am important to you then swear on the river of Styx that you will not cheat on me anymore!"

"HERA!" Zeus shouted. A thunder suddenly echoed to Olympus. "Watch your words. YOU ARE TALKING TO YOUR KING!"

"My king? Have you ever thought of me as your Queen? Have you ever thought of me as your wife if not a Queen?" Hera chuckled. The goddess shook her head with a smile on her face. "This is so tiring and I am tired of you. Maybe it's okay if I don't see your face once in a while."

"Hera, what's wrong with you? This is not you," Zeus told her as he took a step in Hera's direction. "I will go back before sunrise, can't you calm down? If you want an accompany I will call for the nymphs---"

"Get out," Hera told him. A golden aura suddenly surrounded the Queen, Zeus took a step backward as he watched Hera's rage. "Get out of here, Zeus. You wouldn't like it if I caused you another trouble," The queen warned him calmly, and Zeus could hear his wife's fury.


"I don't need your nymphs if you cannot bring me back Asche or free me from this throne, GET OUT OF HERE!"

With his clenched fist, Zeus disappeared in an instant. 

As he traveled the oceans and seas on his way to Cytheria, all he could remember was the face of his furious Queen.

He knew that something on her was about to snap.


"H-Hera...?" Asche mumbled as she glanced at the sky. The nymph saw a Golden light spread across the sky, it was only for a moment, but Asche was sure that it came from the Queen of Olympus.

They were currently traveling to the ocean with Waily, the whale. They were just about to go home before the other Deities arrive on the Coast of Cythera. The birth of Aphrodite will surely cause big trouble.

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