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My eyes went wide they imiditly darted to his eyes , he pulled his hoodie a little to the back as if to give me a clear view of his eyes and there I saw those same pair of purple eyes with a hint of glowing gold .

His eyes seemed to close a bit which indicated that he was smiling from under his mask .

" So , am I still invited for dinner " he asked giving me a quick look before putting his eyes back on my sister.

" Oh god ,of course ,it would be a great pleasure to have you and don't listen to my brother, we have enough food , I promise " she said smiling widely, she started pulling him to the exit door, as they walked ahead of me I could hear the sound of girls gasping, groaning , whining and whispering.

We were now out side and Infront of my car , I opened the car ,with the key in my hand .

I got in the driver's seat , still in a state of shock , surprise and confusion.

" Hay  am not y'all's fucking driver ,one of you two come and sit here " I said sounding a bit irritated,which I was in fact .

The back door closed and then the passenger door opened and in came thee one and only Axel .

" Amazing" I said unenthusiasticly .

" Are your windows tinted? " He asked and all I did was give a slight nod , I was still kinda confused, I don't hate this guy cause of his personality, he never did anything bad to me personally, I just hate him for the effect he has on my sister and that got me to hate him quit a lot .

Once he saw me nod he pulled down his hoodie and his mask.

And at that same second I heard my sister gasp and all of the sudden a head poped  between the both of us , Emily had her eyes all over the guy , like they say kinda eye fucking him and all the poor man could do is smile kindly and try to ignor her scary looks .

As much as I kinda wanted him to suffer a bit more I still had to save him from my sister ,at least for now .

" Emily fucking sit properly in your seat and put your seatbelt on ,will you " I said giving her a quick glance to make sure she did as ordered.

" You swear a lot " Axle said chuckling a bit .

" Shut up heart throb" I sarcastically said with a not so pleased expression on my face

" Hay don't talk to him like that " Emily shouted from the back seat .

I didn't respond, I wasn't in the mood to argue with her instead I turned on the radio.

'Wow y'all what an amazing Sunday ,am I right Gary '

' yeah it is , and such an amazing Sunday requires a similar amazing song , this song had hit no 1 , earning the name best song of the week , I present to you , gold tears by Axel Swayer,also known as Hend...'

I quickly turned off the radio before his song could play .

" Wow even the radio is against me today" I muttered but Axel happened to hear what I said and started laughing.

" You really love to laugh don't you " I said looking at him with a glare carved on my face .

" Your attitude is just really funny, and the way you talk , bro and your face ,I can't " he said laughing more .

I turned my face away trying to hide a smile that just wanted to appear but I held back , god ,I hate this dude.

" Wow you guys live really near , that's cool" he said as he pulled his mask on and reached for a pair of glasses that were in my cup holder .

" Do you really need to do all that , the house is right over there " I said pointing at the house which was barely five  feet away from where we parked .

" And how dare you reach for my glasses and take them like you own them " I said as I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my seatbelt.

" First of all , extra precautions and second , I like them " he said as he pulled his mask down to give me a goofy smile , he turned around to open the door and get out but was shocked to see my sister standing there and having her face stuck to the glass , probably trying to look at Axel

" Wah , that scared the hell out of me " he said

" Well you gonna have to deal with her , she is overly obsessed " I whispered the last part then proceeded to get out of the vehicle.

" MOM , WE'RE HOME , WE HAVE A GUEST " I shouted as I entered the house.

" Okay honey, are they having dinner with us ,cause am about to lay the food on the table ?" She shouted back from the kitchen.

" Yeah ,yeah " I replied.

" Okay honey go wait and your friend in the living room " my mom replied

I led us to living room , at the sight of the comfy couch I threw my self on it as I reached for the remote.

" Emily,stop staring at the poor guy and go change and wipe that shit on your face , you look ugly both ways ,so no need for all that " I said as I scrolled through the tv channels.

" You are just jealous of my overwhelming beauty, I will be back for you my Hendrix" Emily said as she gave the guy one more dreamy look before heading off

Axle went and sat on one of the arm chairs that were in the room

" You seem to feel way too comfertable around me , don't you think " Axle said as he chuckled at my laying position.

" You are a very extroverted guy ,I think i know you enough, kinda though, to be able to lay like  that Infront of you , also why didn't you tell me that you were a well known idol " I asked looking at him .

" Well that would've blown my cover and second , didn't think such detail would have made that much difference , you turned out to hate me so much " Axle said seeming a little too amused.

" Yeah , to be honest the only thing holding me back from .........yeah ,Is the cool hat you gave my , and for making my shift more fun the other day " I said .

" Yeah about that ,since am here can you show me your collection of bucket hats and you seem to have a cool sunglasses collection " Axle said analyzing the glasses he was wearing not so long ago .

" Yeah , I actually used to hate glasses but now I actually really love them ,I have a couple but not so much that I could call them a wild collection, and yeah sure I could show them to you after dinner " I said forgetting for a second that this was Hendrix and not Axle that I met at the bar the other day .

This guy became two different people to me .

The first is Hendrix, the famous and annoying guy that my sister loves  a lot for some reason.

And the other is Axle, the pretty cool guy who loves to laugh and talk but is still kinda secretive to some extent.

" Dinner is ready" mom shouted

My sister's crush Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ