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" so let me get this straight, this little girl who I at first thought was 12 and just now found out that she is 18 accidentally broke your arm after you said you won't buy her my album? " Axel asked with the most surprised look I ever seen plastered on his face .

" Yeah , basically " Zack shrugged.

" Bro ........... That's horrifying" Axel said eyes wide

" You're telling me !? She is crazy , one time she took my phone and slammed it on the floor all because I accidentally ripped the poster I bought her " Zack ranted " she gets very sensitive when it comes to you "

" Damn man , I never thought I would have a fan like this "

" I know my sister's case is pretty rare but sadly it exists and worst than that she happens to be my sister, why don't you just get married to her ? " Zack implied.

" What the......, What do you mean man "

" Listen, my sister is carzy for you , so maybe if you marry her she'll be cured " Zack explained.

" No offense but I'd rather not "

" Fair enough, I would also say no , for fucks sake she can't even cook "

After that Little conversation both guys went quit  with Zack staring out of the window like a lost puppy and Axel having his eyes on the road.

" Can I ask you a question? " Axel asked.

" Sure " Zack simply replied.

" Just a couple of hours ago , when we were in the grocery store, you seemed pretty mad when the woman said that boys can't marry boys, are you sure you are just an LGBTQ supporter ? "

" What do you mean ? " Zack asked , he understood what Axel meant exactly but still he felt obligated to ask , maybe he meant something else

" Are you gay ? " Axel boldly asked .

" No am not , I like girls " Zack tried to defend him self, he didn't know what would Axel's reaction be like and exceptionally after realizing that he  started to unintentionally get attached to him he was scared that his response would cause some problems.

" So BI then ? " Axel questioned.

" Why do you want to know "

" Just answer me " Axel said

" am not answering anything until you tell me why you want to know that bad "

" I can't tell you " Axel admitted

" And why is that " Zack asked arms folded.

" Cause am still not sure myself, so just answer the question, are you BI ? " Axel asked once again.

" Are you homophobic? " Zack quitly and shyly asked .

" Of course not " Axel replied.

" I-I am, okay , am Bisexual , but am closeted , you're the only one who knows so if someone finds out you'll be the first person I run after and snap there head off , I will detach your head from your....." Zack was in the middle of letting out a string of threats when he reliezed that Axel pulled over in a near , empty parking lot and almost imidiatly and then was soon engulfed and a heart warming kiss.

A pair of lips were placed against his softly, lips feeling ever so softly while also slightly tasting like strawberry chapstick . Zack was caught off guard  , Zack's eyes were wide but soon he started getting taken away by the sensual sensation he felt as soft lips danced and moved over his with light bites on his top and bottom lips making him feel all hot and sweaty .

Zack closed his eyes and started taking everything in , wondering how he lived before without ever feeling this tingly, hot and more importantly loved sensation. Yes , Zack had never dated , the relationships he had weren't serious enough to call dating

As seconds passed they soon parted for air , and as much as Zack was in sever need of air he still didn't want to part away , he wanted to stay like that and feel like that for the rest of his up coming years , without any warnings Zack wrapped his arms around Axel's neck and placed there lips together again .

" I will remind you of that if you decide to argue with me later about this " Axel breathed heavly as they finally parted lips for the second time .

" You're the one who kissed me first" Zack replied with lips a tad bit redder than they were before and face all red and hot.

" But you liked it " Axel smirked.

" Was that also an accident? " Zack asked with his arms still wrapped around Axel's neck pulling him closer with each word.

" No it's not , Zack , do you believe in love at first sight? " Axel asked .

" God that's so cheesy and cringe, I don't think so , wait ...... don't tell me you were captivated by my amazingness at first sight " Zack chuckled.

" Way to ruin the mode but ...yeah , I guess" Axel admitted with a smirk while letting  out a light chuckle .

"You know that you're boosting my ego, right " Zack chuckled

" And how is that , am just an average man who fell at first sight " Axel asked while shrugging ,with a smile on his face indicating that he understood what Zack was talking about yet was just playing around .

Okay , hay y'all, soooo .. hear me out , I don't know if y'all think that this is rushed or not but I didn't want it to take long , I personally get bored when am already half way into a story and the main couple hadn't even shaken hands yet . but putting this aside, me just making them kind off official, kind of , is because I , 1- want to make the story not so short and not a 100 chapters long and 2- because there is other more important things in the story other than the main couple getting together, the action, and according to my calculations, is supposed to start when the main couple are official.

Please comment your opinion about the story up till now, wether it's good or bad just commente your opinion, y'all's opinions are very important to me I because it helps me grow and improve but also give me the energy to finish or post more chapters hope you have a great day and hay , I never really ask this but I've been trash with updates so maybe some votes alongside your lovely comment  will help

Hope y'all have a great day .

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