35. "Meeting Trisha."

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Chapter Thirty Five

Elena's POV

My mind was far away from the venue, traveling to nowhere. Everyone vanished and all I could hear was Adonis' voice talking about something that would not register in my brain.

Adonis' speech ended, and he stepped down onto the stage. I saw him stopped at a table and a woman in a shimmering yellow dress gave him a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek.


What the hell is going on?

They were talking for about two minutes, her hand touching his arm, caressing.

Jealousy overwhelmed me. I stood up to go to them, but Adonis already advanced and heading towards me.

"You want more wine, babe?" he asked, and I nodded. He got one from the roaming waiter.

"How's my speech?"

"Great. So great." I said, and gave him a kiss.

All speeches ended, and everyone mingled. Adonis talked to some older men at another table. The rest went to the stage dancing, and they left me alone at the table with Eros Petrakis.

Eros Petrakis, another Greek young billionaire. Yeah, very handsome and gorgeous, just like Adonis, but too arrogant.

"Are you sure you don't have a sister?" he asked me again. It was the third time that night.

"Nope, I'm an only child."

"Maybe you have a cousin... or a lost sister, with the same hair as yours."

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Yeah, a redhead I met in a bar four years ago," he shrugged. "I've been searching for her since then."

My eyebrows rose. "wow, that's a long search. She's doing very well in hiding from you."

His forehead immediately furrowed.

Oh-oh, I hit a spot. I obviously annoyed him because he stopped talking to me that evening.

Adonis returned to my side, and he introduced me to different people who owned vast businesses all over the world. There were oil tycoons, shipping magnates, hoteliers, airline moguls, and many VIPs.

"This is Tristan Latsis, owner of an airline in New Zealand... this is Rafael Valiente and Natalie... Ares Niarchos and so much more.

"Hi," a soft feminine voice said behind us, and we both turned.

It was Trisha Cunning. Standing in front of us.

My heart pounded so hard, as I looked at her. Her dark hair beautifully curled, her winged-eyeliner on point, the tip of her nose shiny with highlights, her huge diamond necklace glimmered, her red lipstick so bright... she was perfectly groomed.

"I believe we haven't met yet," she said to me with a smile that did not reach her eyes.

"Yeah, we haven't," I forced a smile at her. My eyes shifted from Adonis to her, to get their reactions.

Adonis' face remained placid. His arm went around my hips as he introduced us.

"Elena, this is Trisha Cunning. Trisha, my wife, Elena."

"Hello dear," instead of taking the hand I offered for a handshake, she hugged me and gave me a kiss on both cheeks, "nice meeting you. Finally."

"Finally," I mimicked her for no reason.

"You look so pretty in that gown. Is that one of your designs?"

I looked down at my blue satin gown. "yeah, it's one of our latest gown collections," I said, taking pride in my design.

"She's very talented." Adonis said proudly.

"I agree," she nodded at Adonis, then turned her attention back at me, "I'm impressed with your talent. I heard too many excellent reviews about your brand, and I'd like to add it to my collection."

"Sure, that would be an honor," I replied.

She was killing me with kindness and warm attitude. Still, I could not forget that she was Adonis' ex. Every time she looked at Adonis, her eyes seemed communicating with him.

What the heck! My suspicion that they were really hiding their relationship increased.

I wrapped my arms around Adonis, clinging to him. The warmness in Trisha's eyes was gone and replaced with venomous glare. She rolled her eyes and looked away.

There was dancing and singing, and I started to have fun. There was also a raffle, and Adonis and I won a fancy ceramic vase.

It was already midnight when we decided to go home. I excused myself from the table to go to the ladies room.

I peed and then fixed my hair, combing the strands with my fingers. The door opened and to my surprise, it was Trisha.

"Oh, you're here as well," she stood beside me, facing the mirror. She got a red lipstick from her handbag and retouched her lips, "are you enjoying being Adonis' wife?"

I smiled. What a question.

"Of course. He's a wonderful husband and makes me so happy."

She popped her lips, and faced me, "enjoy while it last. Because after the settlement of his ancestors land, he's going to process your divorce."

I was shocked at her brutality.

"Wow, I can see that you're jealous. Adonis and I won't have a divorce. EVER." I emphasized.

"Why? Do you think he loves you?" she laughed wickedly, "he didn't say it right? Because I'm the only woman he loves. We have this bond that no one could break. We're connected for life."

"Is that so," one of my eyebrows rose, "I'm sure you're the only one who knows that."

"You're so naïve. He's just using you to prove to himself that I'm the one he really wants to spend the rest of his life with. In the end, he'll come back to me when he's done with you."

My lips twisted nastily.

"I think it's time to take your medicine. Your delusion is acting up."

I was not prepared, for the slap that she swung at me. On impulse, I returned the slap at her, HARDER.

Her eyes grew so big, she never expected that from me.

I lifted my chin, and walked out of the ladies room. Feeling victorious.

I was passing the buffet table when I heard Trisha shouted behind me.

"I'm not done with you yet!"

I turned around and was greeted with a splash of hot soup from the pot that she was holding.

I heard gasped from everyone. They instantly gathered around us.

I was drenched with pumpkin soup from head to toe. My blue satin gown turned orange.

Trisha attempted to throw another one at me, but Adonis stopped her.

"Stop it, Trish!"

Trisha acted like a victim, "she started it. She slapped me!" she turned to Adonis, cried and hugged him for comfort.

What the hell! He should be comforting me, I'm his wife!

I was very embarrassed. Everyone stared at me, whispering. I was so fed up with the drama. I stormed out.

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