40. "She's invisible."

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Chapter Forty

Adonis' POV

I entered the Stavrakos Mansion and parked my car at the front door. It was the first time I came home after my breakup with Elena.

Stunned after my conversation with Celine, I felt cold, numbed and shocked. I didn't remember how I got here. My subconscious led me home.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Stavrakos. It's good to see you back," Bernard, the butler, greeted me, the moment I entered the house. I gave him a nod, and I went to the bar counter and took a shot of brandy.

I needed alcohol to relieve from the shock.

I recalled my conversation with Celine.

"We have no fear telling the truth anymore. Papa had a stroke, he could never threaten Elena anymore."

"What do you mean threaten?" I was stunned from what I heard. The thought of someone threatening Elena made my temper rise.

Her lips twisted, "let me start from the very beginning..."

I listened to her as she narrated her story. Eloping with the Englishman driver that made her father, Constantine Pallis so mad. Unfortunate events happened, the man she loved died on the eve of their wedding. She was pregnant and jobless. She asked for her father's forgiveness, but the latter callously disowned her.

My heart felt so heavy, like it was squeeze a million times, upon hearing how Elena suffered. She grew up working many jobs - a janitor in a public toilet, scrubbing floors and toilets bowls, a dishwasher, waitress, a gasoline girl on weekends and many more.

She did not go to college because Celine could not afford to enroll her. So she worked as an all-around assistant of a fashion manufacturing company. It figured why she was good in fashion designing. She learned from experience, and that made me so proud of her.

"I was very ill, I had Stage A Liver cancer," she continued, "we had no choice but to beg for Papa's help. Elena would wait outside the gates of the mansion for hours. She would bear the heavy rain or the heat of the sun, for her grandpa to see her. Of course, you know him, he's a very stubborn man. He made sure that she'd suffer first."

I clenched my fist, not liking at all what I heard. That bastard old man!

"So, after many days of Elena waiting, he finally agreed to see her. He would pay all my medical expenses, in one condition. She should marry you."

"Of course, she accepted. She had no choice."

"Exactly. She would do anything to save me," she smiled, "she's very selfless. She would rather suffer instead of me."

"Yeah, I can see that now."

"You know, she's so brave. She agreed to marry you right away without even knowing who you were. The risk involved there was very scary. She never dated or had a boyfriend. She thought it was a waste of time."

"No boyfriend? But what about Christian Firth?"

"As her ex? That was fake. As well as all Elena's social media accounts, the shopping spree of luxurious brands, travels around the world, articles written in the Eekipedia... everything, they are all fake. Papa paid an internet expert to make it all up."

"Wait... you mean, she never had a relationship with Firth?"

"Never. She only set eyes on him during your mother's birthday celebration. I believe he owed something from Papa, so he had no choice also but to agree on it."

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