Chapter 39

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Emma POV

I was watching Mason walk away, and all I wanted to do was run after him. I wanted him to take me away from here. He is the only one I felt safe with.

But I couldn’t do that. I needed to focus and end this once and for all.

I turned in the other direction and focused on the instructions that detective Peters gave me.

Walk to the library slowly. Don’t look around. Don’t look behind yourself. Don’t look afraid.

Sit at a third table on the left. Take out your notebook. Start working on your Jane Eyre essay.

Spend ten to fifteen minutes at the table. He needs to see that you are alone. He needs to see that Mason didn’t follow you. He needs to see that there is no Chris, or Jax, or Hazel.

After ten to fifteen minutes, stand up. Take your jacket off. He needs to see the dress clearly. Look around. It has to seem like you are trying to find a book. Walk to the third aisle on our left. Walk to the end of the aisle and turn right. Walk ten steps and stop in front of the letter B. Pick up Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Make sure you are standing in the middle of the aisle, so that the hidden police officers have the best visual. Open the book and start looking through it. Make it seem like you are searching for something for your essay. Count to 300. If he doesn’t show, walk back to your table slowly. Pick up your things and go find your brother.

If someone does show, engage in a conversation. Everyone will be listening. Press the red button as soon as you hear or see something suspicious. Create a distance between him and you. Don’t let him get too close. The closest police officer is just 10 seconds away from you. Start running. The police will handle him.

I could do that. I could definitely do that. It wasn’t hard.

My legs were shaking as I reached the library. I took a deep breath and walked inside.

Mrs. Santiago, the librarian, raised her head as soon as she heard me enter. She gave me a small smile and looked back down at the papers in front of her. I smiled back and walked to the third table on the left. Thankfully, it was empty.

I sat down at the table and looked around. It was mostly empty. A few students were sitting at the other tables, reading and studying.

I pulled out my notebook and checked the time on my phone. 10 to 15 minutes at the table, and then I needed to walk to the aisle.

“Emma.” a familiar voice said, making me freeze.

Was he here already?!

I looked up and saw Oliver smiling at me.

I sighed in relief.

“Hi, Oliver.” I said as he sat down at the table.

“Where is your brother?” he asked, looking around. “It is so weird to see you alone. He is always with you.”

“We had a little disagreement.” I said, fidgeting with my fingers under the table. “We are taking a little break from each other.”

My heart clenched painfully just saying those words. I knew that Mason was listening. I knew how much it hurt him to have to fight with me, even if it was fake.

“It’s weird seeing you without him.” Oliver said. “What happened between the two of you anyway? He hated you in the beginning, but now he can’t seem to stay away from you.”

My stomach twisted when I remembered the way Mason looked at me when I came here.

“I am sorry, Oliver, but I don’t want to talk about that.” I said, giving him an apologetic smile.

“That’s okay.” he smiled back at me. “Are you free now? Can I walk you to the dining hall? We could have a cup of coffee. We still have time before the next class.”

I sighed internally. I really needed him to go away. I had to leave the table in a few minutes, and I really didn’t want him to follow me.

Unless he was…

Was he trying to get me out of here? Did he ask me to go to the dining hall so he could lead me somewhere else?

My heart started pounding in my chest.

I reached for my necklace. Should I press the button?

“Emma?” he called me. “Are you okay?”

I studied his face for a second. He didn’t look threatening. He didn’t look like he could be the one.

“I am sorry, Oliver.” I said with a small smile. “I really want to get started on my Jane Eyre essay.”

“Oh.” he said, disappointed. “Maybe another time then?”

“Another time.” I said with a small smile as I let the necklace go.

He wasn’t the one. He was a good guy. He didn’t really understand that I wasn’t interested, but he would never hurt me.

Oliver stood up and smiled at me.

“I will leave you to it then.” he said, looking down at my notebook. “I should really start writing that essay too. I am way behind.”

“It sounds like you really should.” I chuckled, opening my notebook and taking out a pen from my bag.

“I will see you around.” Oliver said as he started walking away. “I can’t wait for that coffee.”

He winked at me, and I smiled. I watched him as he left the library. The door closed behind him, and I took another look around.

My eyes fell on Mr. Rodriguez.

When did he come in?

He was talking to Mrs. Santiago, but I couldn’t hear them.

My heart started beating like crazy and my palms started sweating.

Jax kept saying that Mr. Rodriguez was the one.

Was he?

I guess we were about to find out.

I forced myself to look away from him. I checked the time. It’s been 12 minutes since I sat down at the table.

I placed the phone in my bag and stood up. I took the jacket off and placed it over the chair I was sitting on. My whole body was shaking. I tried to stop it, but it was useless. I just hoped that it wasn’t noticeable. I tried my hardest not to look at Mr. Rodriguez, and I forced myself to look at the aisles.

I pretended to search for the one I needed. I made sure I was slow enough so he could see me.

I walked into the third aisle on my left. I looked around the shelves, pretending to search for the book I needed.

When I reached the end of the aisle, I was sure that my heart was going to leave my body.

I forced myself to walk further until I reached the spot. I pretended to look around again. I turned to my left and saw the Jane Eyre book I needed.

I took it off the shelf.

My hands were shaking, and I was having trouble breathing.

I wanted Mason.

I opened the book and started counting in my head.

The silence around me was maddening. I hoped that I would hear the chatter of the students in the library or the flipping of the pages. But there was nothing.

It was quiet.

It was just me and him.

I counted to 134, when I heard the voice that made my heart stop beating.

“Hello, Emma.” he said, walking closer and closer to me.


I am so sorry for the cliffhanger, guys! 😱🤭

Which POV do you want to see of Emma's conversation with the kidnapper, Mason's or Emma's? 😊

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