Chapter 43

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Mason POV

Two very familiar voices woke me up.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around the room.

Nobody was in here.

Did I dream about them?

I looked at Emma. She was still asleep. I sighed and kissed her temple.

I was just about to lay my head back down on the pillow when I heard the voices again.

They were close. They were just outside the door.

Oh, fuck no.

My anger rose, and I saw red.

I stood up carefully and kissed Emma’s forehead.

“I will be right back, okay?” I said quietly, caressing her cheek. “I will be right outside the door. You are not alone.”

She didn’t respond. She didn’t move.

My heart clenched painfully, and I took a deep breath.

She will wake up soon. She has too. I miss her too fucking much.

I turned around and walked to the door. I opened it slowly and stepped outside.

My eyes fell on two people I wanted to beath the shit out of right the fuck now.

George and Patricia Richardson.

My parents.

“Mason!” my father exclaimed as soon as he saw me.

He ran toward me and reached out to hug me. I stopped him.

“What the fuck are you two doing here?” I asked angrily.

“The principal called.” my dad said. “He said that Emma got hurt by that kidnapper.”

“Where is she?” my mother asked, faking concern.

I looked behind my father, sending daggers at her. A man I never saw before was standing next to her, eyeing me up and down. That had to be her new fucking husband.

“That is none of your concern, Patricia.” I said coldly. “You are not allowed to see her. You are not allowed near her. You can leave right now.”

Her eyes widened, and she stared at me speechless.

“Don’t talk to your mother like that.” her husband said sternly.

“Don’t make me angrier than I already am.” I said to him, clenching my fists. “Leave, now.”

“That is my daughter in there!” my mother shouted.

I chucked darkly, taking a step toward her. She was really going to pretend that she cared?

“Was she your daughter when you left her without food for days?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. “Was she your daughter when the fucking flu almost killed her because you left her alone? Was she your daughter when you left her to freeze to death in her own home in the middle of the winter?”

By the end of my speech, I was screaming. My fists were clenched so tightly that I was sure I would break the bones in my hands.

I heard multiple gasps around me, and that is when I realized that my friends were here. Jax and Chris were glaring at my mother with murderous looks on their faces. Hazel was staring at her, shocked.

“You did what?!” my father shouted, staring at my mother in disbelief. “You neglected my daughter?!”

“Oh, don’t be so fucking shocked.” I snarled at him. “You left her to this bitch. You lied to me and to her. You separated us. You told me that she hated me. You stopped her from reaching out to me. You made me hate my own twin sister. You are as bad as she is!”

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