41 - Fraser's Clan

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The three male stare at me in rapt concentration as I begin my long explanation. I give them every important detail from the past few weeks as I've grown to love and care for Fraser, as he was stuck in the debts of of the ground beneath my clans.

I leave out most of the romance bits, but divulge the horrifying details of what transpired while their leader was kept and tortured, all that he endured and how brave he was for sticking through it, and how I wanted him free no matter what.

Once I was finished, I looked back and forth between the three of them, Fraser's clan, or a great fraction of it.

These were his most trusted ally's, and now I had no choice but to put my trust in them in order to save them.

I've come to learn that Alec is Fraser's brother, or remember anyway from our early conversation as we bonded. It's startling to see Fraser's sibling standing so brazenly before me, and it's not a surprise either. The similarities are obvious enough, the dark hair, the broad shoulders, the sense of power.

Although, Alec appears much healthier. I wonder if Fraser will look more and more like his younger brother after he's released and deee. Will he fill out? Will his skin shine with health? I can imagine it now, and it only makes my anxiety to enact my plan more potent.

The other two comrades, however, couldn't be more different. One of the men towers over the others, his build not quite as broad, but slimmer than the rest of the vampires. His muscles are taut over his limbs, his attitude cool and collected, but confident as if he could take anyone in a fight. He seems the quiet type, almost too thoughtful. He hasn't spoken a word since they appeared before me in all their glory.

The last of them, a male of fine featured beauty and arrogance wrapped into one. He seemed more at ease and relaxed than any of us, comfortable in the forest as he leans to one side, arms folded.

Alec pressed me for more details now and then as I relayed my story.

I gladly gave them all the details I had to offer, hoping beyond hope that this somehow would work out, that these men that had appeared just in the nick of time would offer a solution to our horror, to Fraser's horror.

"So. My final question for you, lass.. why the hell didn't you break him out as soon as you found him?"

Alec strolls closer to me, slow but deliberate. Each step menacing as the threat in his voice is made more and more obvious.

I gulp as I scamper back. I know the power that vampires hold, what they're capable of. I saw it just days ago in Fraser as he easily snapped a guard's life away with one twist as if it was a skinny twig rather than a grown man's neck.

My trust in Fraser told me not to fear that strength, but that faith did not transfer to his brother.

"My father keeps the key well hidden."

The arrogant male put a hand on Alex's shoulder, pulling him back a smidge.

"Our fight is not with her, surely you know this."

Alec narrows his eyes on me, but didn't respond. The arrogant one smirks before continuing.

"Well. I'd we can't find the key, we'll have to rip the door from its hinges if that's what it takes."

"How is that possible? Fraser wasn't strong enough to do that, and I'm sure he would've if he could." I say; and he nods.

"Yes, well, our kind requires moonlight for full power." He contemplates this for a moment, then nods. "That means tonight would be ideal for springing our Laird."

My Wee Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें