47 - With All My Heart

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I wake up some time hours later, my back stiff as a board and the side of my neck aching something awful.

I groan, squinting around into the dark as I wonder what it is that's woken me.

I'm shocked to see Gentry. She holds a large torch, the flame high and flickering and illuminating her beautiful, stern face.

"Gentry. What are you..." I wince as I try to sit up.

There's clanking and screeching as she fiddles with the door, looking over her shoulder evey second between grunts of effort as she wedges a tool between the hinges.

"Gentry, you can't! You'll get in trouble. You cant! You simpoly cant, please!" I beg, crawling to her and trying to push her away with my weak, dirty arms. "Please! Don't risk this, not for me, you cant risk yourself! Its too dangerous."

"You're worth it lass, trust me." She insists, only sparing me a glance before going back to her work. "If I don't do this, you'll die. Don't you understand, Ailsa? I cannot let that happen. I will not stand for it.

Metal groans and squeals in protest as she shimmies the tool mercilessly through the hinges.

"I was always going to die. We both know it." I murmur, feeling weak and utterly helpless as she tries with all her might to break me free.

I reach a hand forward, pressing it to her knuckles until she stops.

Her desperate eyes meet mine, and her face pales.

"It's not working. You must leave me. If he catches you here..."

"I am not leaving you here!" Gentry raises her voice, making me flinch. She never raises her voice. "That's final! Now unhand me so I can help you escape."

I watch her until her tool pops, exploding into several pieces, making her curse something so awful I would never dare repeat it.

Her face falls, and she slams her hand against the bars in frustration.

"I should've known you'd come snooping." The voice makes us both stop cold where we are. I don't have to look up to see who it is, but I do anyway.

Pastor Ewan and a fray of guards at his side.

The pastor has his arms crossed, eyeing us with a smirk even as Gentry stands swiftly. My maid is stall and broad, this man is slim and more resembles a stick than a threat of any sort. He seems unfazed by her stature, and instead chuckles as he cocks his head to her.

She yells out as they grab her. He throws out an arm, knocking one over, and flings up her knee to disarm another as she lands a blow to his crotch. I wince as I watch, even though I silently cheer her on.

Ewan has the nerve to look shocked, taking a step back before pulling a knife from his belt and racing to my side. He yanks my hair as he pulls me forward with unexpected strength that makes tears spring to my eyes.

"Stand down, or the girl has an early death." He calls out, cold steel pressing to my face. It's sharp, already splitting my skin.

Gentry stops immediately, holding up her hands in surrender as she pants, trying to catch her breath after single handedly taking down two guards.

"No, leave her alone!" I wriggle in his hold, but his fist tightens in my hair until I can't move.

"Good." Pastor Ewan soothes, using his head to gesture to the guards. "Lock her up."

My Wee MateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz