~18: Where He Goes on a Date~

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Where He Goes on a Date



Fallon and I stood in a corner of the busy school hallway. I tried to concentrate on what she was saying but I couldn't.

All my mind could focus on right now was the small strip of skin that was visible between her top and the waistline of her jeans. I tried not to think about the two twin freckles just beside her belly button. I had the wildest urge to trace them with my fingers.

Was she ticklish?

Would she laugh if I touched her there?

What would she taste like if I ran my tongue along her skin? What kind of sounds would she make?

I could feel my blood heating.

My jeans suddenly felt a little too tight.

"Archer, are you even listening to me?" Fallon's voice suddenly had me jolting back to reality.

What the fuck has gotten into me lately?

I'm losing my goddamn mind.

"Sorry, I got distracted," I said but my voice came out hoarse. I cleared my throat trying to get my wild thoughts under control. "You were saying?"

Fallon gave me a strange look.

She pursed her lips, her fingers fidgeted with the straps of her bag pack. Something she did when she was nervous.

"I wanted to ask you if you were free tonight." Her beautiful hazel eyes gazed up at me hopefully.

My heart stuttered in my chest.

"Fallon I-"

"Hey, Archer!"

My words were cut off by Caroline's cheerful voice. I watched as she walked over to where Fallon and I were standing.

"Ready for our date tonight, handsome?" She wove her arm around mine and gave me a playful wink.

Something awful settled in the pit of my stomach as I watched Fallon's eyes lock on our linked arms. Something flashed in her eyes but she quickly covered it up with a smile.

Caroline turned to Fallon, "Can you believe that I had to plan the entire date myself and track this guy down even after I was the one who bid eight hundred bucks to go out with him?" She rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Boys right?"

"Yeah." Fallon laughed lightly but it sounded empty and lifeless, nothing like Fallon.

"Fallon, listen-" I tried again but Fallon stopped me with a small shake of her head.

"Sorry, I'm late for class guys. Have fun on your date." She quickly hurried away, clearly wanting to be nowhere near me.

I instinctively started to go after her but what Colton had told me that day in his car halted me.

Fallon was the one who had convinced Caroline to go out with me at the auction.

She had wanted me to go out with Caroline.

This had been our plan all along.

Her getting her car fixed and me finally going out with my long-time crush.

So now that it was finally happening why did I suddenly feel so empty?


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