~48: Bittersweet Endings and Hopeful Beginnings~

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CHAPTER 48: Bittersweet Endings and Hopeful Beginnings


I took in the scene in front of me, everyone was wearing their maroon graduation gowns and caps. The atmosphere was a blend of joy and sorrow, laughter and reflection

Graduation had been postponed two months in respect of Fallon's untimely passing. On the stage where the senior year graduates were supposed to receive their graduation scroll, a large portrait of Fallon had been placed to honor her memory.

I spotted Jamie standing next to Colton and Caroline. The kid had come back for his sister's graduation, they'd asked him to go up on stage and receive the diploma in Fallon's place.

The event started and all of us settled in our places.

Peyton gave her valedictorian speech. In her speech, she talked about Fallon. Everyone laughed when she told us about all the crazy things she and Fallon had done in the past and everyone cried with her when she told us about how much she missed her best friend and how much she wished she was here.

Amidst the roll call of students ascending the stage, a touching ritual unfolded. Each graduate, myself included, took a moment to place a sunflower beneath Fallon's portrait before collecting their diploma.

And when it was Jamie's turn to go in place of his sister the entire audience stood up and clapped.

I looked around me, almost the entire stage had been covered in bright yellow sunflowers. Around me, people clapped and cheered.

I closed my eyes and smiled.

This is exactly how Fallon would have wanted to be remembered.


I was almost finished packing when my cell phone pinged. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion when I saw a text message from an unfamiliar number.

"Can you come down? I'm waiting outside the apartment."

When I stepped outside my eyes widened in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Jamie greeted me with a warm smile. He was not phased even a little by my cold response.

His smile was exactly like Fallon's bright and vibrant. He looked so much like her that it was physically painful to look at him.

"Hey." He said lightly.

"Hi," I responded, my voice sounded pained.

He shoved his hands in the pockets of the denim jacket he was wearing. "I'm leaving for home tonight. Just thought I'd come here and say goodbye."

"Oh." I swallowed. "Have a safe trip back."

For a moment we didn't say anything else. We just stood there but then something of an understanding seemed to pass between us.

I grinned. "Thanks for coming to our graduation." I looked at him, hoping my face conveyed my sincerity. "I know it would have meant the world to Fallon."

He sniffed. "It was an honor."

His eyes suddenly focused on me. "The truth is, I didn't really come all the way here just to say goodbye." Suddenly, he gestured towards something behind him.

It took me a moment to realize he was pointing at the Convertible parked about twenty feet away.

Fallon's convertible.

My heart suddenly lurched. "What's the matter? Is something wrong with it? Do you need me to check the engine-" I started to rumble but he stopped me.

"Nothing's wrong with it." He said gently.

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