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I walk besides Natalie as we enter the church, I don't take her hand or anything since...I don't know.

Natalie's mom invited Tatum too. I don't think she really knows Maria, Natalie said that some of her old friends were invited too, ones she doesn't talk to but her mom doesn't know that.

Natalie decided to wear a suit pants with a long sleeved black turtleneck shirt and black heels.

I just decided to wear a longish black dress which is long sleeved and my black converse...I don't really know what to wear to a funeral for someone I don't exactly know...

There's a lot of people here, it's almost silent only quiet chattering can be heard since the funeral hasn't begun yet.

I hear loud crying behind me, Natalie looks back and I do too.

"Go sit down, both of you." Natalie tells me and Tatum as she walks toward the woman crying..she looks a lot like Natalie from here, a tall thin woman, brown hair, grey too, a nice tan. Very pretty when she cries...which maybe I shouldn't say.

I turn around as I keep walking.

"In there." Tatum says, I stop at one of the long benches, I struggle to walk over the prayer bench that is in front of every wooden bench. I look up doing a double take.

I stop and Tatum bumps into me.

"What are you doing—oh shit." Tatum says before blocking her mouth.

"Can you both sit down?" Olivia asks me and I sit down where I am, away from her.

"Why is she here?" I look to Tatum.

"I'm with Zack, what are you?" Olivia interrupts and I look at her.

"What am I?" I ask.

"Yeah, what's your reason to be here?"

"I'm with Natalie, I'm her girlfriend." I say and Tatum elbows me.

"Don't say that in a church, dude." Tatum hisses and I huff rolling my eyes.

"Oh...That's blondie? Almost didn't recognise you, you finally grew up." Olivia says looking to Tatum. I look to Tatum too. I look the same..the exact same just my hair has gotten longer, it's down to about my elbows now. I need to cut it again soon.

"Blondie? Seriously?" I ask and Tatum shrugs.

"What do you want me to call you? I was gonna go with pillow princess..." she says and I roll my eyes again... I am far from a pillow princess.

"Is that Elisabeth?" Olivia asks Tatum, Tatum turns around quickly. I look back to see a dirty blonde woman...that's definitely not funeral appropriate or church appropriate in general.

"No way...Her lips are bigger than mercury." Tatum whispers loudly. I look to her to see if she's serious. What the—

"Mercury is the smallest planet..." I tell her and she looks to me, the woman—who is Elisabeth stops at our bench. We're around the middle of the church, we're not sitting with Natalie's family obviously.

"What's the biggest?"

"Jupiter." I state.

"Oh my goodness, Tatum?" Elisabeth says, her voice being very high pitched. That's Natalie's friend?? She kind of looks like one of the white chicks from that movie—which I shouldn't say because that's so rude but Charlie would laugh if I said it.

"And who might you be, beautiful?" Tatum turns towards her.

Me and Olivia both scoff, I look to her and she looks me up and down.

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