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-Diana's POV-

"No, I don't think that's going to work." Arabella says to the tailor, he drops his shoulders looking to another woman who is a...fashion designer I'm going to guess.

"Miss, you said you wanted browns, anything brown I have shown you has been shut down." The designer says, oh she's British. I like her accent.

"It's not what we're going for, it's too much. Nobody will wear this, nobody will even be interested—"

"It's hideous, Myla. A homeless person wouldn't want to wear it." I hear Victoria as she picks up the designers sketchbook. She begins flipping through it, I notice the designers face going red from embarrassment.

I think her designs are nice but maybe I don't have the eye for fashion.

"I don't know why you're mixing pink and brown together, it looks ridiculous. Neutral colours, brown and crèmes together instead." Victoria rips a page out of the sketchbook, I feel like gasping. Why is she so basic? Creme and brown are a nice combo but why not go the extra length of trying something new?

"But don't you want to stand out?" I ask and Arabella looks to me quickly before Victoria does.

I freeze for a second at all the eyes going to me, my heart quickens. I take a breath before looking to Victoria. She's not going to like attack me for an opinion, is she?

"What?" She speaks and I take another breath so I don't choke while speaking.

"Yeah fall is more neutral colours but that doesn't mean you should limit it only to that, I mean—can I see the sketch?" I hold out my hand, Victoria hands it to me—more slaps it into my hand but..

"I think Myla has a good idea but you're shutting it down right away when you saw pink...A lighter shade of pink would work really well, just maybe also with a lighter brown—and a darker brown maybe." I say setting the paper down on the table.

"Pink and brown don't work."

"Because you're not letting them, I really think—"

"You're an assistant, Diana. What you think about these designs does not mean shit to me." Victoria picks up the paper scrunching it, I look down at the floor feeling my own face heating up now.

"I think pink and brown look great together too." I hear Lili, I look up to see her walking closer. She hands a coffee to Victoria.


"I agree with everything Diana just said, don't knock it till you try it. Myla could totally draw a new sketch with both me and Diana's opinions, take a look and you might like it. But I guess I'm just an assistant too so...." Lili speaks, looking at Victoria for a long moment.


"On it, Miss Lennon." Myla picks up a pencil and Victoria drops her sketchbook down before watching her begin to sketch.

"And she liked it! She said maybe I was right all along, I mean none of the stuff is really my style and it all looks crazy to me but she liked my idea after all." I say looking to Natalie as we both walk down the street, the cold breeze blowing my hair.

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