Chapter 6

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Months passed, and the kingdom eagerly awaited the arrival of the royal twins. (Y/n)'s pregnancy was filled with love and care, with Prince Eclipse tending to her every need. The entire monster temple was abuzz with excitement, and the gardens were decorated with flowers, symbolizing the blossoming of new life. As the day of the birth approached, the princesses  heart swelled with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She found comfort in the support of her husband, her brother, and the court physician, Lady Amelia, who had been by her side throughout the journey.

Then suddenly one night in the serene chambers of the castle, (y/n)  went into labor,

In a large bedchamber screamed the monster princess as her (h/l) (h/c) hair stuck to her forehead and deep (e/c) eyes squeezed shut in pain. Her chamber maids quickly scurrying around in any attempt to soothe their lady's pain. Each holding buckets of warm water and linens even as the chamber doors are tossed open, and Eclipse ran in with a glass of water towards his wife's beside and took hold of her small clawed hand her brother not far behind.

"Shh, my love, I am here." He said calmly. "Here darling drink." Slowly he lifted the glass to her lips as he helped her sit up as she gulped down as much of the water as she could. "Good. You're doing amazing." He said placing a gentle kiss on her hand that he had taken on his own before he felt a hand on his shoulder.. "Your highness, it's time." Said lady Amilia with a smile. Eclipse merely nodded before placing a final kiss on his beloved wife's head before Globgor, who was posted at the door, helped escort him out. 

Several hours had passed shins then and he was beginning to worry as more and more of his wife's screams filled the hallway. Eclipse paced up and down worried for his queen as well future children. "Eclipse stop. Just Watching you is making me dizzy." Globgor sighed, placing a large hand on his brother-in laws shoulder in an attempt to comfort the prince. "Sorry I'm sorry! It's just what if something goes wrong! What if!" "What if what if. Eclipse takes a seat." Globgor said, gesturing to the fair next to him. "Listen to me and listen to me carefully. (N/n) will be fine. You're going to be fine and your children will be fine. (N/n)'s in there right now with Amelia who's the best monster physician I know. If she weren't then she wouldn't be working here." He smiled.

Eclipse took a deep breath hearing his brother-in-law's statement before nodding. "Ya.ya! Ya! She'll be ok. She's too stubborn to die." Eclipse laughed before suddenly the whales of pain went silent and the cry of a child was heard and at last a maid came running in causing the two men to stand in anticipation. With a nod and a smile she told them  that the princess of monsters was summoning them to see the children. Running down the hallway once more and into the bed chambers, he saw his  love leaning up against a pillow holding two bundles in her arms. Y/n slowly looked up at the open doors to see her husband and softly smiled, thus showing off her razor-sharp fangs.

"Eclipse, come meet our daughters." She said with a soft voice from all of her screaming hours ago, as Eclipse slowly approached the bed and climbed onto it. She slowly handed Eclipse a newborn baby girl with a tail like his mother's with purplish gray hair fluff on her head, with his mother's monstrous (e/c) eyes, and a grayish green three leafed clover on her right cheek. "Meteora..." She said while showing Eclipse the other newborn girl who looked more mewman like her father except for the curly goat horns resting against her temples. Her hair was deep wine purple with a four pointed deep purple curved lozenge diamond mark on his right cheek with his father's light purple eyes.

"Festive...." She said with a gentle smile, looking at her newborns. Tears filled up the fathers eyes at the sight of their children, the future queen, and the princess of Mewni. "Oh, my love, they're absolutely perfect." He started before leaning down to place a kiss onto (Y/n)'s temple, while holding their little family close to his heart and surrounded by those they loved most. Especially when Globgor joined with excitement, eager to meet his niece and nephew. Lady Amelia even joined in the small celebration as they all looked in awe of the miracle before them. Globgor's eyes gleamed with pride as he gazed at his nieces.

The news of the royal twins' birth spread rapidly throughout the kingdom, and the entire realm celebrated the birth of their future heirs. Bells rang out, and the townspeople filled the streets, rejoicing in the joyous occasion. In the days that followed, the castle was filled with warmth and laughter as the royal family settled into their new roles as parents. (Y/n) and Eclipse shared the duties of caring for their twins, cherishing every precious moment with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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