5. Her Friend

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Bright sunrays fall on Ruhaan's face and he removed his blanket from his body. Sleeping on sofa last night leads him to very bad backpain. In absence of sitara he tried to sleep on bed but sleep seemed far away so he decided to sleep on sofa. Stretching his arms he took out his clothes from cupboard and left for shower

On the other side sitara came straight to her house from office last evening. After her and Ruhaan's heated argument she was irascible. She wanted to hug her dad. Just like every girl her father is her angel, just a hug and every problems flies. She spent her evening talking with him and went to night walk too.

Ruhaan came to dining table after freshen up. He saw Advik feeding Akshita with his hands and akshita making faces. He chuckles but something flashes in his mind and his smile flew. He sat with stoic face. Advik and akshita noticed him. Kabir and Nishtha are out of town for some family functions.

"See babies, your chachu isn't trying to pacify your mumma, and you know what mumma was about pacify but chachu stopped talking. Now tell me what should mumma do" Akshita said caressing her stomach

Advik and Ruhaan shared look. Advik chuckled and Ruhaan took a seat beside Akshita

"I'm sorry babies, chachu is so guilty. You know he wanted to attend the ceremony but stucked somewhere. Chachu tried to talk to mumma but she wasn't listening " Ruhaan said making sad face and looking down

"Yes babies" Akshita askd and bend little trying to ack hearing her babies "Ohh okay okay I will tell him" Akshita said and smiled

"So what did they said" Advik said taking parts in her antics

"They are saying tell chachu that they aren't angry with him. And they convinced me too" Akshita said and pout

"Thank you so much bhabhi" Ruhaan said and hugged her

"It's okay but my babies made a condition " Akshita said hugging him back

Ruhaan took back step

"And what is the condition " Ruhaan asked

"They want to eat pizza" Askhita said grinning

"No" Ruhaan and advik said in unison

"Why" Akshita asked making pout

"Bhabhi doctor said no that you have to avoid junk food" Ruhaan fake glares

"Yes, and you know na akshi it isn't good for you health " advik said holding her hands

"Okay leave it, I hate you both. Let sitara come she will make for me, and I will not give you both any bite." Saying this she left

"Bhabhi " ruhaan called but advik stopped him

"It's okay she will be normal in some time" Advik said

"It seems regular to you" Ruhaan said

"Yes, her moodswings are just...." he shook his head and continue " you know what She gets angry and upset with me without any reason, I mean last night I just switched off the lights before sleeping, she literally ordered me to sleep on sofa" Advik complained

"You deserve this bhai" Ruhaan said and laughed

It is for the first time in past some years that ruhaan is laughing whole heartedly,Advik and Ruhaan having normal conversations after Advik got to know about Ruhaan and Sitara's reaction.

"Let your time come beta, then I will also laugh like this and I will tell sitara to trouble you mo....." he was saying but stopped after realization

Ruhaan stopped laughing and his face came back to stoic.

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