11. Understandings In Misunderstandings

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Seven days had passed. Today, Sitara was finally being discharged from the hospital. Throughout the entire week, Ruhaan hadn't visited her once. When Advik inquired about Ruhaan's whereabouts, he was told that Ruhaan had left for London, citing important work. Sitara's heart ached upon hearing this, but she had grown accustomed to the pain.

"Sitara, go and change, we are leaving," Advik said with a gentle smile.

"Yes, bhai," Sitara replied and left to change.

After some time, she returned wearing her clothes, a brave smile on her face. "Let's go," she said, trying to hide her turmoil.

"Aww, all smiles, and why not, especially after your husband sent you flowers before leaving," Advik teased, but Sitara was perplexed, unaware of any flowers. Nevertheless, she shrugged her shoulders and smiled, masking her confusion.

Upon reaching the Oberoi mansion, Nishtha performed Sitara's aarti, welcoming her home. Sitara's eyes met Akshita's, and she rushed to embrace her.

"How are you?" Akshita asked, her eyes brimming with tears.

"I'm fine, bhabhi. Please don't cry," Sitara said, wiping away Akshita's tears.

"No one told me about your accident; they said you and Ruhaan were on a business trip," Akshita complained like a child.

"I asked them not to inform you. I didn't want you to stress; it's not good for your health," Sitara explained, her voice soothing.

"Forget about me, tell me, how are you?" Akshita inquired once more.

"I'm perfectly fine, bhabhi," Sitara replied, mustering a smile.

"Akshi, can she take some rest if you permit?" Advik chimed in, teasingly.

"Shut up, Adi. I'm not talking to you. Do you understand?" Akshita scolded him, her playful pout highlighting her annoyance.

"But I didn't do anything; Sitara told us not to tell," Advik protested, his eyes wide in innocence.

"I don't want to hear it. I'm not talking to you, and that's final," Akshita declared, turning her head away, her adorable pout intact.

"Leave them, Sitara beta. They are still kids. Go and take some rest," Nishtha said, dismissing Akshita and Advik's squabble.

With a giggle, Sitara made her way to her room. Upon entering, she noticed everything was arranged perfectly. Her gaze fell upon a photo frame displaying her and Ruhaan's wedding picture. She sighed, her heart heavy with emotions.

Taking a long, hot shower, she let her tears blend with the water. Dressed in something comfortable, she was drying her hair when she heard the door open. Tilting her head, she saw Ruhaan in the mirror. Her heart raced, their eyes meeting indirectly, yet speaking volumes. Breaking their gaze, Ruhaan wordlessly moved towards the washroom.

Sitara stood up, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety, and settled on the bed.

"Sitaraa!" Akshita's voice echoed through the house.

"Yes, bhabhi," she replied, standing up.

"Sit down. Maa has sent dinner for you and Ruhaan," Akshita said, pointing to the plates held by their maid.

"Thank you, bhabhi," Sitara expressed her gratitude.

"It's okay. Now eat and take your medicines," Akshita smiled before turning to leave. Sitara gently grasped her wrist, stopping her. Akshita looked at her in confusion.

"I love you," Sitara said, planting a soft kiss on Akshita's cheek.

Their bond was akin to that of sisters. Though unspoken, their affection for each other was evident. Akshita was moved; she had never experienced a sisterly connection before. Mayra was like a child to her, but in Sitara, she had found a true sister.

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