The Little Sister Sindrome

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The next few days were horrible. More than horrible. Even as my face healed in a few minutes everyone behaved like I was the most breakable thing in the room. You know, in some way I accepted it from my parents. It is their job so to speak. But Renesmee you too?! At this point I just wanted to dig a hole and bury myself.

But of course I couldn't do that because someone was always carrying me around. God forbid that my feet touched the ground. This morning it was my dad as we came from our cabin to the main house.

"I can walk by myself." I pouted with crossed arms as he refused to let me down.

"No you are grounded. No running around." He told me and we entered the livingroom. There he finally took me down on the sofa. I was placed between Rosalie and Esme. "Stay." He said. And left to find Carlisle.

I sat there grumpily with folded arms. My face resembled of a hamster. Bella seated herself on the armchair with Renesmee on her lap.

"You know they just wants to protect you, don't you?" Irina came in with Alice and Jasper. After the misunderstanding was cleared she told her apology and she was welcomed to stay as long as she wished. There weren't enough sitting place in the room so they seated themself on the rug.

"They really don't have to." I murmured annoyed. She just looked at me foundly.

"Oh I know how you feel. When I was turned, my sisters and our mother Sasha were overbearing as well." She told me. I never really got to know her from the original as her fate was cut short. With interest I leaned forward.

"How was you turned?" I asked. Irina smiled at me and thought of a way how could she tell me the story in a child friendly way. She didn't know I would see the whole truth in her mind.

"I don't remember much from my human life" She started. Her eyes became distant as she started to recollect the past. "We led a simple life. My family had a little land. We weren't rich of course but we never starved neither."

I rested my chin in my hands as I listened.

"My father was an interesting man. He had his own ideas as what others purpose is in the family." She said superficially. That meant her father was a dick. He saw her daughter like a property. Something that he could sold out via marriage. And since Irina was pretty with her wavy blond hair and big round eyes he could sell her off for a good sum to a rich guy.

"He really quickly found me a husband." Irina continued. " He was a high ranking landlord. My human mother was very excited." Irina left out the part that this man was an old pervert drunk.

"I met with Sasha on our wedding day. She was an honored guest. My soon to be husband didn't know that he invited a vampire." She again and didn't go into details as her wedding night was horrible. Sasha was invited as a mistress. The whole wedding felt like a bordel. Noone respected the bride. Even Irina's family wasn't present.

"In our first night i found out that my new husband was violent." Oh this poor girl. Renesmee gasped at that. She didn't see what Irina lived trough as i could but it was enough for her to feel sorry. Irina smiled at her reassuringly. "Sasha thought i deserved better so she took me away at night and turned me." She told us like a fairytale. That meant of course that Sasha killed that monster of a husband and feasted on the wedding party and then kidnapped Irina. How nice.

"She gave me a family that i really longed for." Now Irina spoke honestly. That was the part that made her happy. "Tanya and Kate welcomed me warmly and they considered me as their little sister." She smiled at herself and then to me.

"They were of course overprotective at times. They hovered around me like I was an infant. We argued a lot about it but in the end i knew they just wanted what is best for me. As your family wants what is best for you." she leaded in the parallels between she and me. I layed back at my seat as i accepted her attempt. She did it smartly.

Light chatting filled the room afterwards. The women in the room started to talk to each other. Renesmee entertained our mother with her pictures while Rosalie, Esme and Alice started to talk about what they want to make out of Edward's old bedroom. Now that he has his own home he won't need the old one anymore.

I didn't join their plans. I was watching Irina as she was staring silently out of nothing. She finished her story at a happy end but her thoughts were occupied with her fresh grief. She missed Laurent so badly.

He came to them after he left his old coven. He told them that Carlisle sent him and that his old coven was dangerous and he wished for something more civil. He seemed like a gentleman and beside her sister's warnings Irina fell in love with him. He told her that he wanted to change. That he broke any connection with Victoria so he could be with Irina forever. And she believed him. She wanted to have that fairytale-like love that the Cullens have. And Laurent seemed like he could give that to her.

But it was a lie of course. Laurent came back to Forks to kill Bella.He spoke to Victoria. Even he made favors for her. He lied to her multiple times and his death was justified.

Yet it still hurt her. She wanted to blame it on the wolves. They ripped him apart after all. She wanted to believe in his innocence. But he wasn't. And it hurted her so much...

She looked like she would cry if she didn't become a vampire. I almost cried myself. I wanted to get down from the couch and hug her, but all of a sudden I was in my father's arms. He pressed me onto his chest so I couldn't see anything.

"Forgive me Irina i should have warn you before hand to censor your thoughts." Edward started. Irina looked at him surprised.
"Carlie is a telepath" Edward answered her unasked question.

Irina immediately recognised what was the problem.
"Oh god i am sorry." She pleaded. Even if she left out the hard parts from her tale her attempt was unnecessary.

"It is okay. " I sobbed in Edward's chest. I wanted to comfort her but at the same time I wanted to cry for her. I could cry her tears out that she can't.

Edward walked with me around in the room while he waited for me to calm down. The atmosphere was heavy. God, I messed up our good mood again.
With a last sob I looked up and turned to my family.

"I'm sorry." I said in a crying voice.
They were understanding of course.

After that the conversations continued as they should. Irina although started to avoid me. I turned after her as she wanted to sneak out from the house to hide her sadness from me.

"Not you too!" I shouted after her. She was supposed to understand how annoying this overreaction was and not play along with it!

My family just laughed at me. Of course they found it funny.....

My cliché life as Renesmee's twinWhere stories live. Discover now