So It Happened...

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Afton led a simple life among the Volturi guard. He was never there for his talents. He was talented of course but he wasn't as talented as some of the others, like Jane, Demetri or even his wife Chelsea. He was average amongst the extraordinary and it was alright. He rarely left Volterra, the home city of his clan. The very few occasions when he did end up sent away were always some kind of check ups. Field surveys so to speak.

His last mission started that way too. Bella from the Olympic clan visited a few months ago. She came to show her successful transformation into a vampire.  Since she was gifted even when she was just a mere human, it was a given that she would have a place in the guard. Most of them thought her goal was to claim that place when she showed up alone. But she didn't.

Her husband didn't accompany her because his pride was hurt.

The clan was upset by this disrespect as Master Caius put it. A few of them whispered that they might be hiding something. Some of them even guessed that Carlisle commited a crime. To ease the tension Master Aro requested Afton to follow Isabella Cullen in secret and make sure everything was alright. So he did.

His suspicion was piked when he saw that Carlisle and others from the clan were waiting for her at Florence. So they purposefully avoided the masters. From that on there was no question about following them onto the plane. He never imagined what he would see when they landed in Seattle.

“Mommy!” A little girl jumped into Bella’s arms. Not far away stood Edward holding the hand of another child.

“Hi baby. You grew.” Bella smiled at the child in her arms. She beamed back at her.

“Welcome home.” Her husband kissed her on the cheek.

Afton was so confused. It wasn't enough that the Cullens risked their lives because Edward fell in love with a human, but now they adopted human children? No. There must be another reason. They couldn't be this stupid. So he stayed longer.

The more time he spent observing the less sense it all made. Something wasn't right with the twins. They were stronger and faster than mortals, but they weren’t immortal children. He made sure of it. Their eyes were brown like a human’s, and they had beating hearts. Something that a vampire didn't have. Their scent was an interesting mix that he couldn't place eather.

After some hesitation Afton decided to get some real evidence and when the Cullen household was almost empty he searched through Carlisle's office. That’s when he found his diary. It appeard to be an enlightening read.

The children were half human and half vampire. Edward’s and Bella’s biological daughters. Something that they believed was impossible. The pregnancy was a risk that the whole family was against except for two. The mother and Rosalie. Carlisle wrote down everything in detail. The birth was successful in that sense, that the children were born healthy, but Bella wouldn't make it if she weren’t turned on time.

Now Afton understood why the Olympic coven wanted to trick the Volturi by sending the only vampire whose mind Master Aro couldn't read. This miracle was extraordinary and had to be protected. But Afton knew that Master Aro would be really upset if he would be left out from something like that. So it was time to return home.

As he predicted, Master Aro was thrilled by Afton’s findings. He took days researching the diary that was brought to him, and because he respected the family’s wish of privacie, he didn't visit them in person and only sent a pair of gifts for the girls. Afton was trusted to oversee the twins' development and report back to Volterra. He wasn't happy about it. He would like to stay home with his wife and enjoy his ordinary life, but he wasn't the one who would disobey.

He delivered the package as he was ordered but when he placed the gift he miscalculated. He was planning to leave it outside of the Cullen’s house and one of the residents would receive it, but to his utter horror one of the little girls opened the door.

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